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Vinos Serrat
Sir Sleepsalot

This halfling is a talented thespian, slightly insane, narcoleptic, kleptomaniac of body parts, who's insanity instills delusions of grandeur which coupled with a halfling's near-complete lack of fear is a recipe for chaos and confusion. No one can ever seem to get a straight answer from this halfling as it's near impossible to differentiate between the narcolepsy and the halfling's knack for acting helpless and/or unconscious.   Out of House Serrat, Sir Sleepsalot is of the Guardians branch: Spies and enforcers for the family, led by Ramul Serrat. He came to be in this group at a very young age as he was caught trying to pickpocket Ramul Serrat on the streets. Instead of reprimanding Sir Sleepsalot, Ramul saw potential and took him under his wing. Sir Sleepsalot grew close to Ramul becoming his eyes and ears in the trading business as well as a protector of their goods. One mission left Sir Sleepsalot fatally wounded and traumatized. He now sometimes sleepwalks and also oddly collects toes of his victims. He has since found it hard to trust other and has difficulty communicating with others effectively. Characteristically, Sir Sleepsalot loves treasure and rare items and worships Waukeen to grant him luck in finding such items. He is fearless and will go to great lengths to find or acquire these items, sometimes at his own peril. Seeking to acquire more treasure and rare items, Sir Sleepsalot comes to be an adventure seeking out a dragon ravaging the countryside with other eager adventurers, and so the journey begins.