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2nd of Tarsakh

Off We Go

by Rake Dragonslayer

Cullen was passed out the next morning. So I figured I’d carry him to the Tradehouse.
We show up to the Tradehouse in order to get the wagon or whatever. Jowynn says we are supposed to pick up the wagon and meet them at the gate. The wagon is overladen and pulled by two massive oxen. So we start leading it out to gate. We named the oxen Colonel and Sanders.
Sildar and Gundrenn met us at the gate. Then they head out to Phandalin ahead of us. Finally, we set off.
Cullen has some good berries, so we eat pretty well.
Cullen fills us in on a rumor while passing a blunt around. Apparently there’s a group of bandits lead by a hobgoblin south down the trade road. Jowynn seems unconcerned.
We have a long tactical discussion about possibly being attacked. I didn’t understand it.
After setting watch, we settle in for the night.
While Rainar is watching, he hears a noise in the distance. But we remain undisturbed through the night.

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  1. Rumor
    1st of Tarsakh
  2. Off We Go
    2nd of Tarsakh
  3. On the Road to Phandalin
    3rd of Tarsakh
  4. The Goblin Cave
    4th of Tarsakh, 1485