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1st of Tarsakh


by Rake Dragonslayer

Heard a rumor in the local tavern by the docks:
The ruins of Thundertree are haunted by ash zombies, and rumor has it a dragon has made its lair in the Old Tower, but those are problems a hero can solve. Slay the dragon, or drive it off, and you’ll prove—to yourself and everyone else—you’re a hero, destined for greatness.
Someone has posted a job! They are paying people GOLD for traveling to Phandalin. I have got to tell Cullen! This is our opportunity. We are finally going to be heroes.
Some dwarf named Gundrenn Stoneseeker is hiring Cullen and myself, along with some slackers named Jowynn, Breven and Rainar. They are paying us 10 gold to move some goods from Neverwinter to some town called Phandalin, and drop them off at Barthen's Provisions. Sounds easy.

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  1. Rumor
    1st of Tarsakh
  2. Off We Go
    2nd of Tarsakh
  3. On the Road to Phandalin
    3rd of Tarsakh
  4. The Goblin Cave
    4th of Tarsakh, 1485