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Ashley Wednesday

None Custom Lineage (Entertainer)
Warlock 3
Bard 1
31 / 31 HP

Ash Wednesday is the grandson of a merchant sailor and thirsts for booze and good stories in equal amount. He is charismatic to a fault, with a penchant for pushing buttons. Bar brawler and biting wit, Ash is a force to watch

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Thu 28th Sep 2023 03:33

Berated by Bart

by Ashley Wednesday

Tonight Ash sits with Un'Gala, reading bones and pouring over Callum's gifted book of the Voda. Ashe would not have the strength to really confide in his friend on the true horror of Bart's face or the taste of ash in every sip, but reading these religious texts offers a semblance of the dwarf's good words. Ash finds calm in the words of his friend's god and the bones promise of a good new day, but as he and Un'Gala share scars and worries, he does not find sleep.
In the wee hours of the night Ash summons quill and ink to practice his own ritual, one long overdue and neglected. For the first time, he includes Igni in this ceremony so the little Imp may better understand who he is bound to.
"Dear Mother.
I regret my lack of letter these past many months. We sailed much work out of Martinette for a while, but the loss of a close friend there and a chance at better opportunity took us far further out to sea than I have ever gone before. In these tougher times I am painfully aware of the distance between us and for the first time I truely ache for home and the sip of grandad's apple ciders. It will be New Years soon and I only now realize I missed my chance to wish you a happy Ashen Wednesday. I hope the hearths were well decorated and the pies were plenty. The memory of gramma's sweet cider rolls filled my mind for days as we sailed and I will not be whole again till I have one.
I reside now for a time in Passarat, and the venture of a new nation excites me like I did not think it would. I met a grand people here all mixed in creed and color, those from all walks in a way I haven't seen since before we lost the pub. To say you would love this place is an understatement, and while I felt a stranger at first I am realizing now these are the people you welcomed and celebrated. The kind of seafaring free folk I grew up around are here in great number, and I cannot help to imagine I see you in every bartender and open door. Lutes better than mine crowd the streets with tunes that all seem to mix and mingle like some great Porttowne orchestra in the streets. If you are ever well enough to travel perhaps I will have to sail you here myself.
I will write again soon and not leave you so long without hearing word,
With all my love, Ashley"
After a few scribblings and re-writings and wiped away tears, Ash folds and seals the letter. Rather than rely on his little bird spell, and much to the little imp's surprise, Ashe neatly tied the note to his tiny ankle. Ashe would entrust Igni with flying out ahead of the ship to deliver the note himself (in the form of a red feathered bird of course) back home and meet the crew back at the cove a week later.
"Listen little friend. As long as Bart hounds me us he will be a torment we cannot escape, neither of us. But if we are both bound to hell, we can at least make sure we go our own way. Fuck Bart. I trust you to take this home to mother and report back on the status on my family, and in turn I will throw off my childish fear and truly help you find a way not only to rid us of him... but to out and out kill the bastard myself."
Connfusing the imp, Ash extended an open hand and the magic of a bargain offered to a devil was made clear. He would go on to promise Igni to treat him as partner not pet, offering more small bargains like this often to slowly increase his power, and in return have an ally against their shared curse.....

Ashley's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Bones, and other things since being sentenced to die.
    26 Mar 2023 03:56:53
  2. The Death of Ashley Wednesday
    A rightly dead man
  3. The Mended Wing
    Ash Wednesday
  4. Bloody Games
    Ashley Wednesday
  5. Ballad of Clear Sky
    Ash --
  6. A Treatise to Smiling Jack
    Ash Wednesday
  7. To Smiling Jack, with respect
    Ash Wednesday
  8. A Talk with Card
    27 Apr 2023 06:49:55
  9. A Missive to Martinette
    Little Birds to the bartender of the Whistling Pig
  10. Berated by Bart
    28 Sep 2023 03:33:14

The major events and journals in Ashley's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 32: Where to strike next

10:03 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 32: Turncoat

07:52 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 32: Turncoat

07:52 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 31: But why is all the rm gone?!?

07:51 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 31: But why is all the rm gone?!?

07:51 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 30: Advancing up the beachhead

07:49 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 30: Advancing up the beachhead

07:49 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 29: Hitting the beach

07:49 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 29: Hitting the beach

07:49 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 28: First Strike

07:46 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 28: First Strike

07:46 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 27: Conclave of Captains

02:46 am - 04.01.2024

Session 27: Conclave of Captains

10:53 pm - 03.01.2024

Session 27: Walk of shame

05:16 pm - 03.01.2024

Session 27: Walk of shame

05:16 pm - 03.01.2024

Session 26: Where do we go from here

05:51 am - 21.12.2023

Session 26: Where do we go from here

11:13 pm - 20.12.2023

Session 25: Dinner party

11:12 pm - 20.12.2023

Session 25: Dinner party

11:12 pm - 20.12.2023

Session 24: In the sewers

05:15 pm - 12.12.2023

Session 24: In the sewers

10:40 pm - 06.12.2023

Session 23: A night at the theater

10:39 pm - 06.12.2023

Session 23: A night at the theater

11:45 pm - 29.11.2023

Session 22: The Gang Solves a Mystery

05:39 pm - 24.11.2023

Session 22: The Gang Solves a Mystery

05:39 pm - 24.11.2023

Session 21: Getting back to civilization

02:07 pm - 20.11.2023

Session 21: Getting back to civilization

02:07 pm - 20.11.2023

Session 20 - Finding the beginning

07:32 pm - 15.11.2023

Session 20 - Finding the beginning

07:32 pm - 15.11.2023

Session 19: Following the River

08:51 pm - 25.10.2023

Session 19: Following the River

08:51 pm - 25.10.2023

Sessino 18: From the mountains of faith... To the river so deep...

12:33 am - 13.10.2023

Sessino 18: From the mountains of faith... To the river so deep...

09:56 pm - 11.10.2023

Session 17: Into a hornet's Nest

02:24 am - 11.10.2023

Session 17: Into a hornet's Nest

02:24 am - 11.10.2023

The cursed young man called Ash discovers a possible devilish dash of blood in his lineage. Perhaps the eye of the damned have been on him longer than he thought....

10:52 pm - 04.10.2023

During a panicked bender, trying to avoid the haunting visage of his patron tormentor, Ash bursts through his nighttime window and tears through bars and alleyways in Ille Dangerousse. Covered in scars and flame and fear, the terrified young man becomes an inflamed beast before finally tumbling to a halt at the The Seaward.

10:47 pm - 04.10.2023

Session 16: Something happened on the way to l'Île Dangereuse...

10:40 pm - 04.10.2023

Session 16: Something happened on the way to l'Île Dangereuse...

10:23 pm - 27.09.2023

Session 15: The Slave Ship

05:21 pm - 21.09.2023

Session 15: The Slave Ship

09:41 pm - 20.09.2023

Session 14: What comes next?

04:12 pm - 14.09.2023

Session 14: What comes next?

09:47 pm - 06.09.2023

Session 13: Brigand's Ball Part Deux

07:20 pm - 06.09.2023

Session 13: Brigand's Ball Part Deux

10:03 pm - 30.08.2023

Session 12: The Brigand's Ball

10:03 pm - 30.08.2023

Session 12: The Brigand's Ball

02:00 pm - 20.08.2023

Session 12: The Brigand's Ball

09:24 pm - 16.08.2023

Session 12: Back on the boat

05:40 pm - 12.07.2023

Session 12: Back on the boat

05:40 pm - 12.07.2023

Session 11: A respite from the sea

11:29 pm - 22.06.2023

Session 11: A respite from the sea

11:29 pm - 22.06.2023

Session 10: Kidnapping a Swallow

11:28 pm - 22.06.2023

Session 10: Kidnapping a Swallow

10:18 pm - 14.06.2023

Session 9: Broken machine

02:48 pm - 09.06.2023

Session 9: Broken machine

10:18 pm - 07.06.2023

Session 8: Securing the future

05:25 am - 25.05.2023

Session 8: Securing the future

01:07 am - 25.05.2023

Session 7: Born to run

03:22 am - 19.05.2023

Session 7: Born to run

11:37 pm - 17.05.2023

A Missive to Martinette

Woe be on your pitiful town and its pig fucker sow sucking pitiful excuse for officers. Know ye now, and all who hear such tales from now to for'ere more, that on this day the 10th of Solus, year of 5912, that the ill isle of Martinette was struck a blow...

11:04 pm - 17.05.2023

Session 6: Planting Seeds

03:12 am - 17.05.2023

Session 6: Planting Seeds

03:12 am - 17.05.2023

Session 6: Planting Seeds

03:12 am - 17.05.2023

Session 5: The call of the sea

05:24 am - 27.04.2023

Session 5: The call of the sea

11:51 pm - 26.04.2023

Session 4: Dinner with the captain

04:46 pm - 20.04.2023

Session 4: Dinner with the captain

09:47 pm - 19.04.2023

Igni in his raven form. The shapeshifting was hopefully a bit of Ash's spellwork... let's hope the rats haven't learned magic of their own.

02:40 pm - 18.04.2023

After much ado about rats and bar fights and storms, Ash and the watch are invited to dinner with the captain. To his watch-mates dismay... Ash has made a new friend.

02:35 pm - 18.04.2023

Session 3 - Paint it Black

06:23 am - 13.04.2023

Session 3 - Paint it Black

11:33 pm - 12.04.2023

Session 2 - Still Alive

03:38 am - 06.04.2023

Session 2 - Still Alive

11:03 pm - 05.04.2023

Renee Wednesday, the best mom under two moons

05:27 pm - 31.03.2023

Sea Swallow Inn, Exterior

05:23 pm - 31.03.2023

Ash in full regalia. Wearing the stolen or won battle-coat of some un-lucky pirate, Ash gears up in the prizes he's taken from his drunken brawls. Seemingly an ironic favorite of his is his black leather coat with the broad skull and crossed bones. The sigil is some small-time pirate crew's mark, and hides armored plates underneath. It adds heft to Ash's slender frame and helps with his attempts to intimidate and bully, adding a real sense of danger to his dagger-like wit, as well as some protection for when things don't go his way.

04:27 am - 26.03.2023

Ash unadorned. Covered in nicks cuts and scars of all manner, the gaunt and tall young man does not hide the rough life he has made for himself. His self destruction is worn on his sleeve, and the rest of him for that matter. Scarred as he might be, his face still shows his youth.

04:23 am - 26.03.2023

Young Ash, Bar attendant of the Sea Swallow in Hollyhome.

04:20 am - 26.03.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ashley.

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