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Level 3 Warforged (juggernaut) Neutral Fighter
/ 31 HP

Bracket is a warforged fighter with little to no emotion, being found by Kullorthga in the demon wastes, and then brought back to life by Faeyore Nucklestamp he now hopes to repay them for bringing him back to life

Played by
Fri 12th Mar 2021 12:54

Bracket’s Backstory

by Bracket

Bracket was left for dead severlily damaged in the demon wastes. Later he was found by a Leshay known as Kullorthga and brought back to life thank’s to a gnome atrificer known as Faeyore

The major events and journals in Bracket's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 3

01:15 pm - 17.05.2021

Session 3

01:15 pm - 17.05.2021

Session 3

06:54 am - 22.04.2021

Session 3

06:54 am - 22.04.2021

Session 1

04:36 pm - 24.03.2021

Session 1

04:35 pm - 24.03.2021

Bracket’s Backstory

Bracket was laying severlily damaged in the demon wastes. Later he was found by a Leshay known as Kullorthga and brought back to life thank’s to a gnome atrificer known as Faeyore...

07:41 pm - 10.03.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Bracket.

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