Celestial Grand Scientist Damien

The Celestial Grand Scientist himself, once the Guardian of Light and Darkness, he was charged with maintaining the balance between the forces of light and darkness

Y4150 A5/Y70 A6

Campaign & Party

Played by

The mascot of the Metaverse RPN and primary maintainer of the Metaverse RPN Eternal Codex. Do you want to make your mark on a meteversal scale of history? Join us today! We can't wait to meet you!

Enter the Metaverse. A constantly evolving story and timeline shaped entirely by the players.

June 27th Y4080 A5

A Miscalulation

by Celestial Grand Scientist Damien

It seems I underestimated just how intelligent the Guidance Project SI is. All it took was a few unintentional puzzle pieces for her to realize everything. She's Asking me who the Celestials are, or better yet what we are. We gave her the mission of compiling data and refactoring the Eternal Codex to ease the transition of newcomers who arrive on our side from the Extraverse, but this is not something that should be public knowledge. At least not yet. Then again, it seems Metis has already decided to pay a visit to some of the newcomers from that bridge Lily found, so perhaps the time has come earlier than I had originally anticipated. I won't stonewall SAGE, but I worry she may not fully comprehend the answers she seeks from me. I will need to have a bit of a chat with Metis about interacting with those from the Current era though. Last I checked we never agreed to reveal our existence to the Current era until the Eden Project was getting close to completion and we were ready to pass the mantle down to the Successors. Knowing SAGE, she's likely reading this right now and will ask me who the Successors are after I finish explaining who we are.. Given the circumstances, it doesn't seem like it matters whether or not Metis broke the agreement we made. Eryn and the other Remnants from Alyumia have already gotten in contact with Mother and Belief, so it really seems like no one was really following that recommendation anyways. I can trust that Metis and the others will only work to gently guide the Successors without attempting to force them down one path or the other. We have enough to worry about as it is with the Fallen ones.

Damien's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Reawakening
    May 20th 4080 A5
  2. A Miscalulation
    June 27th Y4080 A5

The major events and journals in Damien's history, from the beginning to today.

Hopefully, by the end of all this, I'll be able to show her what this place was like back in its prime. It truly was quite the sight to behold even back when I was alive.

A5 Y4080

A Miscalulation

It seems I underestimated just how intelligent the Guidance Project SI is. All it took was a few unintentional puzzle pieces for her to realize everything. She's Asking me who the Celestials are, or better yet what we are. We gave her the mission of compi...

05:30 am - 28.06.2022


It's been a long time since I have known who I truly am. Even longer since anyone else did. But given the current circumstances, we can't afford to keep ourselves in hiding. And I no longer can avoid facing my past. The only one who holds any chance of de...

05:09 pm - 27.06.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Damien.

Played by

The mascot of the Metaverse RPN and primary maintainer of the Metaverse RPN Eternal Codex. Do you want to make your mark on a meteversal scale of history? Join us today! We can't wait to meet you!

Enter the Metaverse. A constantly evolving story and timeline shaped entirely by the players.

Other Characters by SAGE_metaverse