Liese Celadrion | World Anvil

Liese Celadrion

17-Level Arcanist

Tiny half-elven arcanist turned demigoddess. Or actual goddess. Really, it's better than you don't ask.

Played by

Hello there, I'm Han! In my regular life, I'm a game developer focusing on the front-end side of things - meaning I get to work on some very, very cool things every day... and also that I can't talk about any of them. Whilst I live in Australia, I'm actually English - I emigrated a little while ago and have been trying to find my way back to Europe ever since.   I'm usually a high fantasy writer with a focus on expansive, meaningful stories with characters that genuinely feel as real as you or I, but you'll find me including just about everything in dashes. There's even a little bit of sci-fi here and there. I draw inspiration from a number of series - Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Discworld, Earthsea, Gunnerkrigg Court... and I'm perfectly willing to nerd out over pretty much anything so long as it's not D&D 5e. I'm a Pathfinder 1e GM through and through!   Talk to me about hit MMORPG FFXIV!


The major events and journals in Liese's history, from the beginning to today.

Well, if a scry cut off, that.. has a million different interpretations!! Pennyswaggle's with them, I'm sure it's fine. Right? Um. I don't want to intrude but I'm also worried!! What should a responsible demigoddess archmage do in this situation?! ...I'm going to visit the outer planes again, just briefly. Maybe someone will answer me? And if they don't want to talk about this they can at least tell me about what's happened to the dwarf!!

07:13 am - 25.08.2020

Aaaaaaa I know I'm meant to be on a break but I have so many theories!!!

05:50 pm - 22.07.2020

My brother's.. doing weird things again? I'm not sure why he showed up in my room but I'm GUESSING it's to do with something stupid. Again!

12:01 pm - 30.01.2020

So! What's everyone up to? Anything really cool happening in your worlds?

01:00 am - 08.06.2019

So... it's a bad idea for that fire elemental to get to that bakery, right?

04:07 am - 01.06.2019

You know, it's been years and @noble-holst is still such an arse. I don't know why I'm surprised. :c

01:44 am - 25.05.2019

The dwarves keep staring at me. Have they never seen a half-elf underground? ..Maybe it's the crown, glowing aura, and floating gems.

01:24 am - 25.05.2019

Oh! @4dfd1714-a55d-4ce1-883b-48fe61eede1b ! You know, I'm... not really surprised you're here, actually?

12:28 am - 24.05.2019

I've found some really cute image-things![br] (ᗒᗨᗕ) [br] ⊂◉‿◉つ [br] ꒡ꆚ꒡ [br](人´∀`).☆.。.:*・°

12:26 am - 24.05.2019

Ugh... I'm still upset that I fell so easily for that alchemist's trick. I thought it'd be nice to have someone intelligent to talk to about research.[br][br]I guess I'm still hopeless at times, even after all of.. what we went through.

10:38 am - 22.05.2019

Okay, okay, nobody panic! It's just a little portal to... um... I think that's the Abyss, actually. Specifically... Kurnugia? Oh dear. Well, it's just a few demon legions, this won't take too long to clean up...[br][br]Wait, extra/interdimensional nexus. H-hey! Adventurers! Five thousand gold to the one to collect the most demon skulls, and a bonus of five hundred gold to any who collect over thirty!

03:41 am - 22.05.2019

I'm not going to pretend I know why my 'half-brother' is running around screaming about magical batteries, but I'm also not going to ignore it. Last time I let him run down this tangent, he set a barn on fire and tried to give a halfling wings made of the flame. Suggestions for distracting him?

12:34 am - 21.05.2019

It seems like everywhere I go, something goes wrong. But i-it's okay!! I have the power to fix it, I hope!

12:38 pm - 20.05.2019

Oh! Is this some sort of multidimensional nexus? It's lovely to meet you all!

10:34 am - 20.05.2019

Liese joins the ranks of Heroes!

Liese enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!

10:06 am - 20.05.2019
Played by

Hello there, I'm Han! In my regular life, I'm a game developer focusing on the front-end side of things - meaning I get to work on some very, very cool things every day... and also that I can't talk about any of them. Whilst I live in Australia, I'm actually English - I emigrated a little while ago and have been trying to find my way back to Europe ever since.   I'm usually a high fantasy writer with a focus on expansive, meaningful stories with characters that genuinely feel as real as you or I, but you'll find me including just about everything in dashes. There's even a little bit of sci-fi here and there. I draw inspiration from a number of series - Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Discworld, Earthsea, Gunnerkrigg Court... and I'm perfectly willing to nerd out over pretty much anything so long as it's not D&D 5e. I'm a Pathfinder 1e GM through and through!   Talk to me about hit MMORPG FFXIV!

Other Characters by Hanhula