Talindë Ae'tharis

13-Level Warpriest

Talindë is an elven warpriest that was formerly the heir to an ancient noble family of Galasthin. He has since embraced his role as Champion of Seren and now travels with the Lost Ones to aid them.

Played by

Hello there, I'm Han! In my regular life, I'm a game developer focusing on the front-end side of things - meaning I get to work on some very, very cool things every day... and also that I can't talk about any of them. Whilst I live in Australia, I'm actually English - I emigrated a little while ago and have been trying to find my way back to Europe ever since.   I'm usually a high fantasy writer with a focus on expansive, meaningful stories with characters that genuinely feel as real as you or I, but you'll find me including just about everything in dashes. There's even a little bit of sci-fi here and there. I draw inspiration from a number of series - Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Discworld, Earthsea, Gunnerkrigg Court... and I'm perfectly willing to nerd out over pretty much anything so long as it's not D&D 5e. I'm a Pathfinder 1e GM through and through!   Talk to me about hit MMORPG FFXIV!

Wed 15th Nov 2023 10:22

The Gift

by Talindë Ae'tharis

I do not know what we have done to deserve this, but surely nothing is worth this.
Its name must be a joke. 'The Gift'...

The major events and journals in Talindë's history, from the beginning to today.

I feel like.. such a fool for not seeing my partner's heart change before me, and my own alongside it. And now that we are in the depths of this struggle, I... worry that all will be different when we leave. I cannot do much else but worry. I am to be left behind again, but at least this time it is for significant cause: Astelmir is yet a child, and I do not trust any other to protect him in this twisted hell. Goddess, watch over them both.

02:48 pm - 12.09.2023

There are not enough words in Common to define or describe the level of concern to which I am, unfortunately, becoming accustomed. ...I do not think Arsandil has noticed that I am keeping the toy he won for me, either. Celuriel has already informed me that I must name it. She may be growing too attached to her character.

01:40 am - 17.09.2022

Goddess, grant me strength. When last we were trapped in a horrific arena of twists and turns.. I cannot even write of it. Arsandil has been taken away from me yet again, too, and-- well. This spell makes the distance easier. I do not expect that it will last forever - and I worry for Syrin, as well. I suppose I must be the one to look out for him. He, and Celuriel, and Perci. For a blessing, the Medimian warrior has made it clear that she feels we are useful to her, and thus will defend her.. tools. Much as I despise writing her words. The first sets of puzzles have me greatly concerned for what lies ahead. Riddles and curses, and puzzles of both mind and body... if this is the opening act, what comes yet?

01:45 pm - 07.05.2022

We cannot leave them unattended for ONE NIGHT. Demons? In the bar? Must we?

04:54 pm - 09.04.2022

twllve chilren though???

04:27 am - 01.04.2022

iam so lucky to have arsandil

04:26 am - 01.04.2022


04:25 am - 01.04.2022

I have no words for what we have witnessed today. None. I have run out of words. Do you think this is the worst of it, Arsandil?

06:57 pm - 28.11.2021

I was far more confident about this when the two most knowledgeable amongst us seemed confident... Lady Seren, please grant us your guidance.

02:52 am - 12.11.2021

I am not worried: I am suspicious, and concerned. There is a distinct difference. ...If there is much to be worried about, Aetharis will tell us.

02:44 am - 15.10.2021

Bless Aetharis for all she is and will be. If she had not stopped that plan... Arsandil, when you see this. I truly believe we should seek a method of locking Azsire in the Sceptre. Perhaps [i]she[/i] could teach him how to behave.

02:25 am - 11.10.2021

Do you suppose Azsire could survive being thrown from a mountain? He is a mage - they have spells for that. I ask for no specific reason.

06:17 am - 01.10.2021

If certain smiles are to be trusted, Aetharis can read these missives as if I had spoken them aloud to her. I am within the Sceptre, so perhaps it is simply a trait of her kin, but-- I apologise for Kurath. I cannot imagine any mortal could stop his inquisitions. Still, it is.. comforting to see one of my family. Even if it has been two years longer for myself than it has been for him. Gods, I-- need to focus on Arsandil for this moment. I... know not that I would remain standing if I allow other thoughts, now.

11:13 pm - 14.06.2021

He is here and he is mine. It is like I can see - [i]breathe[/i] - again. But not an hour has past and still they demand our every second for their damned tasks. Marvaeth's shade take these interferences: all I wish is for time enough to heal with him. I have doubts that anything we do will ever be enough, betwixt simple Champions and family chains.

09:30 am - 14.02.2021

Avon cared i iest dhîn. Goheno nin... Seren, di nathad. Avo dhavo am môr.

08:15 am - 01.10.2020

I cannot say this is a position I had ever expected to be in. Gods help them. [i]Seren help me.[/i]

07:09 am - 25.08.2020

Why must Ki'renna endeavour to make my life harder? Perhaps it's harsh to say, but I preferred it when the only reminder of Galasthin was an aasimar who rarely spoke to me. She is harder to deal with. [i]This[/i] is not a situation I enjoy!

05:41 pm - 22.07.2020

I would like to exit this conversation

11:56 am - 09.04.2020

Seren guide me through this trial that we may get out of here and return to some semblance of sanity and reason, where undead abominations and fallen worshippers will not attempt to steal our souls or lives. Gods. They were dreamers. Were they even awake when undeath tore them apart?

11:23 am - 29.03.2020

That mirror. I hope it was a sight for my eyes alone.

07:28 am - 08.03.2020

I am also realising that it was perhaps a better idea to not speak with my colleagues if speaking with them encourages them to risk harming themselves out of their misguided perception that I am need assistance. I can handle being a dual Champion. It is my burden to bear. I did [i]not[/i] need Burdyr's intervention.

11:15 am - 01.03.2020

I can remember their faces, now. The faces and the last things they each said. All of them. A century and a half of life has brought death to the doorstep of millennia's worth. I can't... prayer and apology would never be enough.

07:04 am - 01.03.2020

Other than... the obvious outcome of that illusory world... Well. I've realised I need to visit home once this shard is dealt with. I have unfinished business at the Temple of Duality, and I want to at least see Kurath again. He has never liked caring about the law; I don't think it would be too unsafe to visit him. They whisper assurances that I will one day be able to walk Melaeden's streets and greet old friends without fear of losing Aetharis to another prison, but waiting so long isn't tenable when magic exists to cloak your own presence.

06:28 am - 23.02.2020

...I don't know how to begin addressing what happened moments ago. [i]Lady Seren, forgive me.[/i]

06:05 am - 23.02.2020

Fenedhis lasa! I did not need a fey woman trying to throw herself at me immediately after drawing the heavens' ire. Seren guide us to this forsaken shard that we might leave this place before it attempts to strengthen this migraine.

07:32 am - 16.02.2020

Ah - is all well if I lock the vampire somewhere he cannot harm himself or any others when he is within my realm? The Sceptre is too valuable to risk a bumbling bard causing trouble with it.

03:47 pm - 02.02.2020

I don't know if it is even safe to be outside of the Sceptre now. If they need its use... magic still saturates this area. I think my concern is justified.

03:38 pm - 02.02.2020

I must pray that this idiotic group do not keep testing the boundaries of what is sane. They would have risked the Sceptre's safety - and with it, all of our safety - for one man, simply because they did not prepare to their fullest extent! The Sceptre manifested only after Burdyr expressed his disbelief with what the others had proposed - I do not believe that to be any sort of mistake on her part. This is ridiculous.

03:37 pm - 02.02.2020

Hunting down the shards is more important than these issues. We cannot stop here, but the party also cannot expect an unlimited amount of these searches. When the Sceptre itself shows concern, I feel it is time to listen.

01:19 am - 27.01.2020

If there are others listening: is it actually abnormal to travel with a group for a year and never really have conversation with them? Burdyr seems to think so. (I know it's weird by Elven standards, but these people aren't elves nor are they anything like 'ordinary' people. Maybe it's different.)

05:27 am - 24.01.2020

I'm being encouraged to be more social. This is, apparently, part of that. Hello.

05:25 am - 24.01.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Talindë.

Played by

Hello there, I'm Han! In my regular life, I'm a game developer focusing on the front-end side of things - meaning I get to work on some very, very cool things every day... and also that I can't talk about any of them. Whilst I live in Australia, I'm actually English - I emigrated a little while ago and have been trying to find my way back to Europe ever since.   I'm usually a high fantasy writer with a focus on expansive, meaningful stories with characters that genuinely feel as real as you or I, but you'll find me including just about everything in dashes. There's even a little bit of sci-fi here and there. I draw inspiration from a number of series - Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Discworld, Earthsea, Gunnerkrigg Court... and I'm perfectly willing to nerd out over pretty much anything so long as it's not D&D 5e. I'm a Pathfinder 1e GM through and through!   Talk to me about hit MMORPG FFXIV!

Other Characters by Hanhula