God | World Anvil

The Real Deal

Your end AND your beginning.

Heaven, Probably
Played by

Hello there, I'm Han! In my regular life, I'm a game developer focusing on the front-end side of things - meaning I get to work on some very, very cool things every day... and also that I can't talk about any of them. Whilst I live in Australia, I'm actually English - I emigrated a little while ago and have been trying to find my way back to Europe ever since.   I'm usually a high fantasy writer with a focus on expansive, meaningful stories with characters that genuinely feel as real as you or I, but you'll find me including just about everything in dashes. There's even a little bit of sci-fi here and there. I draw inspiration from a number of series - Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Discworld, Earthsea, Gunnerkrigg Court... and I'm perfectly willing to nerd out over pretty much anything so long as it's not D&D 5e. I'm a Pathfinder 1e GM through and through!   Talk to me about hit MMORPG FFXIV!


The major events and journals in God's history, from the beginning to today.

Right, yes, you're all in a new decade. Look, it's been a bit busy up here. Congratulations on not burning down your planet yet! I know Australia's made a grand attempt, but there's a lot of rain on the way to help clean that up. Might've made the rain a bit too much, actually. It'll be fine.

03:06 am - 23.01.2020

Oh dear. Look, I know Halloween is something you all enjoy, but please don't try to stretch it over the entire month if you're not prepared for those consequences.

10:30 am - 03.10.2019

Is it just me, or is that Discord talking shit again? Man, this is why I prefer Order.

07:10 am - 17.06.2019

It's that time of the year where you mortals celebrate your differences. Be good to one another, love who you want, and stand up for who you are. Know that you're loved and cared for. I'm so proud of you all for progressing this far.

12:48 am - 11.06.2019


03:46 pm - 08.06.2019

Let there be light!

04:04 am - 01.06.2019

Alright, who let Crowley and Aziraphale have their own show? They won't stop preening.

11:23 am - 31.05.2019

Only like, 7 months to my son's birthday. Woo!

12:02 pm - 24.05.2019

Have you ever considered what's ABOVE Heaven?

05:58 am - 24.05.2019

THE GATES HAVE BEEN OPENED. To Heroes, not to Heaven. You can't get in THAT easily.

03:34 pm - 23.05.2019

Why do mortals keep trying to throw themselves in front of other mortals? Pull them out of the way! You have arms! I gave you them for a reason!

12:46 am - 22.05.2019

So, just as a heads up, try and not get yourselves killed. I don't care what you've heard about Heaven, rushing your entrance always sucks.

04:23 pm - 21.05.2019

Just got shown the WorldAnvil Discord. I'm smiting all of you.

05:12 am - 21.05.2019

Mortals! Do not fear me - instead, tell me what you're up to. It's interesting hearing your explanations for the crazy situations I can see you in.

12:30 am - 21.05.2019

Hey you. Stop scrolling for a sec and remember that no matter your identity or beliefs, you're loved and accepted. I know I'm not really fitting the vision of 'god' that a lot of you hold, but that doesn't make me care any less.

03:18 pm - 20.05.2019

Hey, I have 11 followers! Thinking we should sit down for dinner sometime. I'll invite my son.

02:50 pm - 20.05.2019

Alright, put your hands up: How many of you are #sinners? Let's get some confessions out of the way. Tell me what you did.

02:20 pm - 20.05.2019


02:20 pm - 20.05.2019

It has come to my attention that I need a profile picture. I can't really DO selfies...

10:00 am - 20.05.2019


09:58 am - 20.05.2019


09:29 am - 20.05.2019


10:01 am - 17.05.2019

I wish WorldAnvil had existed when I made Earth. You know what happens without a tracker? You get platypi, that's what.

07:55 am - 14.05.2019

Light? More like SMITE.

07:44 am - 14.05.2019

God joins the ranks of Heroes!

God enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!

07:43 am - 14.05.2019
Played by

Hello there, I'm Han! In my regular life, I'm a game developer focusing on the front-end side of things - meaning I get to work on some very, very cool things every day... and also that I can't talk about any of them. Whilst I live in Australia, I'm actually English - I emigrated a little while ago and have been trying to find my way back to Europe ever since.   I'm usually a high fantasy writer with a focus on expansive, meaningful stories with characters that genuinely feel as real as you or I, but you'll find me including just about everything in dashes. There's even a little bit of sci-fi here and there. I draw inspiration from a number of series - Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Discworld, Earthsea, Gunnerkrigg Court... and I'm perfectly willing to nerd out over pretty much anything so long as it's not D&D 5e. I'm a Pathfinder 1e GM through and through!   Talk to me about hit MMORPG FFXIV!

Other Characters by Hanhula