Calen Balleei | World Anvil

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Calen Balleei

A half-drow of noble birth from Bysaes Tyl, though he remains grounded due to his upbringing.

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Wed 27th Jul 2022 03:34


by Calen Balleei

Erissa is quiet but playful, and is often distracted by beautiful things, particularly of elven origin. She is very curious, and can sometimes pester Calen a little bit when she gets bored or when he's not giving her enough attention. While she likes to help Calen out in situations she knows more about, she often wants something in return, either in the form of solving a riddle or puzzle, or bringing her food or something beautiful that would interest her. Sometimes, if she's feeling particularly annoying, she'll make Calen's life difficult in return for only a small piece of information.
She knows something about the event that gave Calen his magic, however, and currently refuses to give up this information, no matter what Calen brings her. He mostly gave up trying to get this information from her, but will sometimes try to trip her up.

Calen's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Calen's Backstory
    06 Jul 2022 04:27:11
  2. Erissa
    27 Jul 2022 03:34:35

The major events and journals in Calen's history, from the beginning to today.


Erissa is quiet but playful, and is often distracted by beautiful things, particularly of elven origin. She is very curious, and can sometimes pester Calen a little bit when she gets bored or when he's not giving her enough attention. While she likes to h...

03:34 pm - 27.07.2022

Calen's Backstory

Aerin was born and raised in a Drow settlement that strongly worshiped The Spider Queen. When she was young, followers of the Arch Heart disbanded the Spider Queen's worshippers in this area, and, upon finding the young Aerin, took her under their wing. O...

04:27 pm - 06.07.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Calen.

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