Bellor Stormcaller Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Bellor Stormcaller

Be'llor Stormcaller

Be'llor, a young Orc of 12 years, has dark brown, braided hair that cascades down his back. His gray eyes exude a sense of wisdom beyond his years. While not the largest of Orcs, he possesses a sturdy and strong physique. Be'llor's attire consists of traditional Orcish design, crafted from animal skins. He avoids armor but prefers loose, waterproof clothing suited for braving the elements. His attire includes loose pants and lightweight foot coverings, as he shuns the concept of wearing shoes.   Among his Tribe, Be'llor earns respect, for few follow the path of the shaman or receive the Ancestors' calling. However, among other races, he may be met with skepticism due to the tribal appearance and practices of Orcs.   The most defining event in Be'llor's life occurred when he was struck by lightning during a storm at the tender age of 10.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

He carries a sentimental totem bone, a memento of his first solo kill in the mountains.

Mental characteristics


Be'llor views sex as a means of ensuring the Tribe's growth and leans toward heterosexuality.


All Orcs initially follow either the path of a Shaman or Fighter, later adapting to different classes as they mature. Be'llor's ability to commune with the land after the lightning incident led the Tribe's leaders to encourage him to embrace the path of a Shaman.

Morality & Philosophy

Be'llor possesses a degree of skepticism toward other races, given the negative accounts he's heard about them. However, as the future Shaman of his Tribe, he feels a duty to explore and learn about the wider world. He is devout in his faith in the Storm Mother, seeing her as a guiding force in his life.   Be'llor is highly concerned about the prejudices harbored by his Tribe and aspires to demonstrate that a more harmonious way of coexisting is possible.

Personality Characteristics


In the short term, Be'llor seeks to explore and understand the other sentient races. He believes that by learning about the outside world, he can better serve his Tribe. His long-term ambition is to bridge the gap of prejudice between his Tribe and other races, particularly against the backdrop of the divisive Tuskour Tribe's influence.

Personality Quirks

He possesses the quirky habit of entering extended periods of silence and deep contemplation when pondering a problem.


Family Ties

Be'llor cares deeply for his family, particularly his younger sisters and brother, whom he is duty-bound to protect.

Religious Views

Be'llor shares a secret belief that in stormy skies, one can glimpse the grinning visage of the Storm Mother. He also believes that if you listen closely, you can hear her song in the thunder.

Social Aptitude

Be'llor stands out both among his Tribe and other civilizations due to his distinctive shamanistic attire, which can seem flamboyant to outsiders. He is generally easy to get along with and forms friendships readily. He can adapt his perception of a person based on their actions and put aside personal issues for the sake of the Tribe or a group.   Be'llor's greatest strength lies in the kindness and support he extends to his fellow Tribesmen. As a Shaman, he seeks to comfort others and help them find peace with their Ancestors. His occasional hesitation might be viewed as a weakness within the Tribe, but he sees it as a way to carefully consider the best path forward. To outsiders, his deliberateness might be misinterpreted as a lack of wisdom or intelligence.


Thubbo the Great

Adopted Brother

Towards Bellor Stormcaller


Bellor Stormcaller

Adopted Brother

Towards Thubbo the Great


Current Location
Date of Death
8 May 475
463 PL 475 PL 12 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in combat while fighting the Avenging Warlord
Place of Death
Thubbo the Great (Adopted Brother)
Current Residence
Dark brown, braided long
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Touching the Elements

Today I have discovered something new as we journey further to the south. In my fatigue I fell into a deep sleep and dreamed of my days as a child in the frozen lands of my people. IN the dream, I sit before a small fire and look up and around me, the elements of the lands can be seen as I turn.   First, as I look toward my left, there the Mother Sea's tides roll in and out. The ice tries to form along the shore, but the waves keep it from turning solid and instead create a muddy mixture of snow and sand. As I look out into the slush filled wake of waves, the fin of the Ice Serpent can be seen gently rising and falling in the waves. As I take a step into the water the creature comes up to me an begins circling around my legs. In my mind I can hear the words of the lands speak to me "I am water, let me flow through your power".   I find myself back at the campfire and look to the right. There I can see the great Blood Stone mountains, their rocky crags reaching towards the skies. As I begin to climb, I can feel the rumble beneath my hands and feet as I pull myself up towards the summit. Soon, I stumble across the nest of the Rock Worm, a creature known for its hard skin that only the strongest of our people seek to conquer. Laying within the nest is a mother, wrapped around her eggs. As she looks up I can hear the words of the lands speak once again, "I am earth, let me strengthen your power."   I blink and the fire sits before me again. As I hear the wind behind me, I turn and step out onto the Storm Grasslands and make my way in the direction of Great Roc Mountain. The wind picks up and I struggle again the blinding rain, the howling gusts, and the thunder that tries to destroy my ear. Among the gusts of wind I peak out to catch the direction and the wings of a Thunder Hawk flap before me. Each flap threatens to knock me down but I stand strong again the force of nature. "I am wind, let me fill you with power." An extremely power gust blows me backwards and   I sit before the fire again, poking the coals with a stick. I now look straight ahead to the lands beyond and they seem to be dark. That way lies my people, war, and the lands beyond. Puzzled, I do not know why I wish not to step that way, but as I wonder I can feel a warmth curl around my leg. I reach down and begin to pet the cat that now lays beneath me. As I look down it is no longer the creature I found among the ruins, but made of the flames before me. The warmth does not hurt and she leans into my hand more. "I am flame, rlease me with your power."

The Traveler, the Shepard, and the Storm

This night, my beliefs have changed. It is not just the Mother of the Storm who has been guiding the world around me, but her kin. As I listened to her voice, she spoke to me, calling me a Sihe. Though I do not know of this term, her brothers spoke of us as the Seyanni and so I take upon myself the title of Sihe to pass on to my tribe. One day I shall see her and learn more of the purpose of the traveler, the shepard, and the mother of the storm.

The Iron Jaw Chief

During the rescue of Kazias, we ran into a brave Orc chieftain that we freed from his prison. During the battle, he proved himself to be brave and a defender of those who are weak. This Chieftain has made me question the ways of the Shezagg and Renaak as the Swords and Shields of our people. Could we not become defenders with the Sword? Could we not fight with the Shield? It seems that we are divided simply by our views of those that are not of Orcish blood. This Chieftain showed me that there is a chance to work with the Shezaag as they are as brave as an Renaak I have seen. I hope that when we find our way home one day and I tell the story of this warrior to both our peoples, it will be at a table of understanding, a place where we can seek a way to join the Sword and Shield as the Warriors of the Storm.

The Journey Into the Land

Begin writing your story here...

Remembering the Path

As I being my journey with those seeking out the nightmare, I look back upon what brought me to this place and made me into the shaman I am today. I look back at 2 years ago, when I went to complete my Hunt upon the Great Roc Mountain.   That morning ,there was a fog in the air as we camped near the base of the Great Roc mountain. I prepared myself for my Hunt as this would be my first step into adulthood, my first step onto the path of becoming the next Chief. As I received the blessing of my Mother and the mark of my Father upon my back, I made my way up the mountain in search of my prey. Many of our kind hunted for sabers or bears and other formidable creatures of the ground. I wanted something more. I wanted a creature of the sky, the home of the Storm Mother's power. So I made my way further in search of the elusive Storm Hawk. These creatures are not only swift, but can control the elements in ways much like the Storm Mother herself. This makes them a worthy hunt for one looking to please the Mother.   As I neared the nesting grounds of the Storm Hawks, I looked up to see a storm approaching. This was perfect as the storms were where the Hawks loved to travel and would be the perfect location for the kill. I waited and the rain began to fall and among the clouds I could see a single bird begin to make their way in and out. Earlier, I had caught a small squirrel on the way up the mountain and had placed it tied to a stump so that the hawk would see the creature. I watched, breath held for the Hawk to spot the bait. All of a sudden, it closed its wings and began its decent towards the target. A grin filled my face as I held the bow in my hand, arrow ready. With speed like the lightning that gave it power, it fell and I waited. The arrow, placed on the rest of the bow slowly slid back towards my face as I drew. And closer the Hawk came. Soon...soon...THWAP I let loose the arrow as the Hawk collided with the squirrel. And there the Hawk died as the hunter had become the hunted.   The shot was clean and the beautiful hunter would soon give its last breath. I walked over and knelt down beside my prey and with a tear in my eye I looked into its eyes as its life faded. It looked back to me and for a moment, it seemed to smile. Confused I look closer at its eyes and there within them...was that lightning? As I saw a reflection of something more within the creatures eyes, a thunder crack erupted and a sound like a roaring river filled my ears. Then, I saw nothing but darkness.   After what seemed like only a few seconds I awoke, but I was not longer on the mountain. I was in a bed among our tents down in the valley. I looked over to see my mother sitting to the side, feeding my little sister. As I turned, a smile filled her face and she spoke to me these words, these words I will never forget and which stirred a storm within me.   "Storm Mother's blessed, once named Be'llor son of Freyja the speaker of the wind, and son of Deylin, killer of Longtooth, now named Be'llor caller of the Storm; it is time to begin your training."

Leaving the Tribe

It is time to leave. We have been discussing this journey for some time and it is up to me to answer the call of my people. The dream, I hope I can help those of the other races understand what the Storm Mother showed me. There is danger ahead on the horizon and we must come together if we are to weather this storm. I do wonder, who are these kin the mother speaks of? Are they her young? Others of the Storm? Maybe I will find my answer in this journey. For now, I start this memoir away from my tribe as a record to understand what is beyond our mountains. My hope, that my writings will show those not only of my fellow Orcs that we can work with the other races, but that the other races need not shy away from us as we can help them grow stronger and as one people, prosper.


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