Eamon Richwood | World Anvil

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Eamon Richwood

Human Ranger   Forgotten Realms / Dungeons & Dragons

Neverwinter, Faerûn, Toril
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I'm a Conservative dreamer, writer, creator of characters, and an introvert.   Expanding from my own personal website, I am now using WorldAnvil to post my medieval fantasy characters and stories, which are mainly for already existing games and franchises (Neverwinter / D&D, LOTRO, and possibly Skyrim / The Elder Scrolls). But the initial reason I created an account on here was to start organizing and structuring my own original fantasy universe. To really utilize a site and community intentially dedicated to worldbuilding.   It will be very slow-going I'm sure. Especially because I'm too occupied with creating characters and their lives and stories. And I'm having too much fun with all the sections and features on the character profiles on here.   But I do hope to really become inspired to work on my own world. A lot of it is probably beyond my knowledge and scope of how things work (governments, kingdoms, militaries, etc), but I will try to do what I can and figure things out along the way. There's definitely aspects that are easier and that I enjoy working on more than others (characters, relationships, dialogue, lands, locations, food, items). I've always been a very character-driven (obsessed) writer, and prone to more slice of life kind of stuff.   For several years my own original characters and stories had been set in real world contemporary Earth. Stories that revolve around the lives of Conservative people – preppers, patriots, and country folk – and stories that revolve around the lives of paranormal investigators and the things that haunt them. Eventually those two genres really started to converge and overlap one another.   However, a big part of why I've gotten into medieval fantasy is to get away from our current society and modern age, to be in a different world and to expand beyond everyday life and journey into more epic, adventurous plots. It's a genre with themes I've always loved but for some reason I didn't realize it.   Though fantasy is a popular and beloved genre for many people, it’s taken me a long time to get into it and really see its appeal. My love for worldbuilding has been a big driving factor. I now understand the sheer enjoyment of actually creating lore and lands, not just characters and plots but an entire world right from your imagination. I also appreciate the traditional, old world charm of the medieval age, specifically the architecture, weapons, clothes, and natural beauty. What probably draws me more to it than anything, however, are the epic, romanticized themes of action, adventure, love, chivalry, righteous war, and heroism. Especially as an escape from our increasingly ugly, modernized, urbanized, warped, cowardly and degenerate world.   So if you're like-minded, like-hearted, and share my values, you might be interested in my characters and my work. My goal is to create a more traditional, down to earth type of fantasy world. And my characters and stories in general are proudly not pervaded or tainted by the Leftist woke circus.

The major events and journals in Eamon's history, from the beginning to today.

CHARACTER INSPIRATION: Voice Inspired By: Jim Caviezel, Edmond Dantès in The Count of Monte Cristo

02:02 am - 16.05.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Eamon.

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I'm a Conservative dreamer, writer, creator of characters, and an introvert.   Expanding from my own personal website, I am now using WorldAnvil to post my medieval fantasy characters and stories, which are mainly for already existing games and franchises (Neverwinter / D&D, LOTRO, and possibly Skyrim / The Elder Scrolls). But the initial reason I created an account on here was to start organizing and structuring my own original fantasy universe. To really utilize a site and community intentially dedicated to worldbuilding.   It will be very slow-going I'm sure. Especially because I'm too occupied with creating characters and their lives and stories. And I'm having too much fun with all the sections and features on the character profiles on here.   But I do hope to really become inspired to work on my own world. A lot of it is probably beyond my knowledge and scope of how things work (governments, kingdoms, militaries, etc), but I will try to do what I can and figure things out along the way. There's definitely aspects that are easier and that I enjoy working on more than others (characters, relationships, dialogue, lands, locations, food, items). I've always been a very character-driven (obsessed) writer, and prone to more slice of life kind of stuff.   For several years my own original characters and stories had been set in real world contemporary Earth. Stories that revolve around the lives of Conservative people – preppers, patriots, and country folk – and stories that revolve around the lives of paranormal investigators and the things that haunt them. Eventually those two genres really started to converge and overlap one another.   However, a big part of why I've gotten into medieval fantasy is to get away from our current society and modern age, to be in a different world and to expand beyond everyday life and journey into more epic, adventurous plots. It's a genre with themes I've always loved but for some reason I didn't realize it.   Though fantasy is a popular and beloved genre for many people, it’s taken me a long time to get into it and really see its appeal. My love for worldbuilding has been a big driving factor. I now understand the sheer enjoyment of actually creating lore and lands, not just characters and plots but an entire world right from your imagination. I also appreciate the traditional, old world charm of the medieval age, specifically the architecture, weapons, clothes, and natural beauty. What probably draws me more to it than anything, however, are the epic, romanticized themes of action, adventure, love, chivalry, righteous war, and heroism. Especially as an escape from our increasingly ugly, modernized, urbanized, warped, cowardly and degenerate world.   So if you're like-minded, like-hearted, and share my values, you might be interested in my characters and my work. My goal is to create a more traditional, down to earth type of fantasy world. And my characters and stories in general are proudly not pervaded or tainted by the Leftist woke circus.

Other Characters by rlpartridge