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Arcadia -

Graduate and current Emissary and Scribe for the College of Magic and Arcana in Durunum. Happily betrothed to Jincrath Dancarash.

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June 30th, 998

Arcadia Field Report 2

by Arcadia -

From: Arcadia Field Scribe & Emissary of the College of Magic and Arcana in Durunum
To: Jincrath Dancarash Dean & Head Researcher at the College of Magic and Arcana in Durunum
Date: June 30th, 998
The following contents are only to be seen by official staff of the College of Magic and Arcana in Durunum. Violating these guidelines will result in prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
The days following the arena have been rather slow paced. However I have learned more about this group. We sought passage on a boat leaving Duafala. The Flying Gold Piece belonging to the Trade Sea Shipping Company helmed by Captain Bartolomeu at the cost of two silver pieces a day which totals to four silver pieces which will be marked down for tax purposes and the fees of delivering this letter should be marked down as well.
Korth: The lizard folk was present during the attack of the Cult of Sect on Verkafheim. Discussed his place of origin. Outcasted by a nomadic clan of lizard folk for his scale color Korth wandered around as a mercenary. He made more of the magical rations mentioned before however the effects recently have been less than desirable. They also purchased a piece of property in Verkaufheim, a bar which they cosigned on with Ogun and Castor as a tribute to them first meeting. We should see about possibly hooking some investments in the Tooth and Nail Tavern if it proves profitable.
Threat Level: 2 - Deadly at close and long range. Interpersonal communication skills need improvement. Rations could prove useful or deadly.
Proposed Method of Extermination/Containment: Nullifying speed and movement would yield favorable results. Followed by bombardments of ranged spells. The utilization of coin in exchange for cooperation is another possible solution along with accolades for honor or bravery.
Polly/Miranda: The mysterious woman known as Polly from my previous entry has almost changed personalities. Before she was discreet and secretive and now she is very outgoing and performative an elf with long blonde hair and her clothing though seems to be of a less popular material and she claims to be from the school of arts in Durunm and that she is out completing her thesis by creating an Epic or story. Something is still striking me as odd of her and I can’t put my paw on it. If she goes back to hiding herself I should assume she is hiding from someone or something.
Threat Level: 2 - spell caster who knows the importance of concealing their identity at times. More research is required. Need confirmation if Miranda is a student at the bards college in Durunm
Proposed Method of Extermination/Containment: Encompassing them inside a silence sphere to prevent spells with a verbal component. Should they be on the run from a powerful individual or organization, cooperation may be achieved through the promise of withholding information or threaten expulsion from the college or offer advancement.
Castor: Castor was made an offer by the ringleader of the arena in Duafala to become an honored warrior they need to complete three heroic tasks before a pillar of rock called the truth stone. During our expedition into the caves I witnessed his combative skills up close and using my arcane capabilities to enlarge him his productivity in battle increased greatly. They have proven to be more useful than initially anticipated.
Threat Level: 2 - Deadly at close range. Interpersonal skills need improvement.
Proposed Method of Extermination/Containment: Nullifying speed and movement would yield favorable results. Followed by bombardments of ranged spells. Coin and accolades could be used to possibly compensate Castor.
Ogun: Was also made an offer as he participated in the Arena. On the boat he, Castor and Korth told stories of the attack on Verkaufheim. He also claims to be the bastard child of a noble family from Jemos it might be worth looking into to aid him in finding the family that abandoned him. However he also made an attempt to steal my journal from me in the middle of the night so if he comes to visit the college keep an eye on him. He was also supposedly a student at the Unseen Academy under the tutelage of Emmel.
Threat Level: 2 - This individual would typically be ranked at a 1 but recent attempts of pilfering college property and touching staff without consent. Direct interference from Dean is inevitable if harassment of staff continues.
Proposed Method of Extermination/Containment: Nullifying speed and movement would yield favorable results. Followed by bombardments of ranged spells. Manipulation into cooperation by offering information as to the whereabouts of birth family.
Emmel: A representative of the academy of the unseen. He was in charge of the investigation of General Aethlings death. I pointed them to seek help from the College of Arcana in Durunum and to contact Jincrath Dancarash. He tasked up with finding bones belonging to a creature called Pekos which are large quadrupedal creatures.
Threat Level: 3 - Focused on study of bones. Status as Unseen Academy staff warrants note.
Proposed Method of Extermination/Containment: The use of agents could be used to plant evidence of incompetence in the case of General Aethlings death to remove them from their position of power.(
We left Verkaufheim to some nearby caves to find the bones for Emmel. It was on this journey when Korth has his incident, It is very perplexing the nature of these magical rations. Korth had an incident on the road a needed a few minutes to clean himself so far the only effects I have witnessed include healing, gaining the ability to cast spells and defecting oneself. Further study is required.
Upon entering the caves we were confronted by Ropers and they were bribed with gemstones to let us pass. Disturbing creatures that seem to respond to a host body like a bee hive. Venturing deeper in we discovered a chest near the back of the cave upon opening it we were confronted by Chuul large creature that has similar characteristics and features of a crustacean. We dispatched them rather quickly the effectiveness of this group has proved very well. However the contents of the chest made me feel suspicious, I left the collection of the bones and other objects to the rest of the party. We left the cave giving the ropers more gems. Returning back to the inn we all went our separate ways to the night.
On a related note. On our way back from the cave we witnessed a Hell Hound chasing a group of antelope. The group has decided to investigate ruins to far north. Will message you upon arrival via the sending spell if further developments are made and should the college find a use or desire to meet with this group this would be an opportune time as they will be in close proximity to Durunum.

Arcadia's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Arcadia V Jincrath
    8 years before the campaign start.
  2. Loaf of Bread
    Many Years Ago.....
  3. Arcadia Field Report 1
    June 28th, 998
  4. Arcadia Field Report 2
    June 30th, 998

The major events and journals in Arcadia's history, from the beginning to today.

Arcadia Field Report 2

From: Arcadia Field Scribe & Emissary of the College of Magic and Arcana in Durunum To: Jincrath Dancarash Dean & Head Researcher at the College of Magic and Arcana in Durunum Date: June 30th, 998 The following contents are only to be seen by of...

01:12 am - 17.10.2021

Arcadia Field Report 1

From: Arcadia Field Scribe at the College of Magic and Arcana in To: Jincrath Dancarash Dean & Head Researcher at the College of Magic and Arcana in Durunum Date: June 28th, 998 The following contents are only to be seen by official staff of the ...

01:08 am - 17.10.2021

Loaf of Bread

A short story of Arcadia Arcadia is eleven years old “This is what you get for running your fucking mouth!” One of the kids screamed jamming the shiv into the side of another kid multiple times. The sound of the rusted metal breaking skin was h...

12:56 am - 17.10.2021

Arcadia V Jincrath

The air buzzed with potential as the students and teachers sat in the stands looking down at the arena floor. Today was placement day. First year’s train just for this moment. Arcadia waited in the holding chamber with the rest of her class. Everyone ...

12:49 am - 17.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Arcadia.

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Other Characters by MightyNight