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8 years before the campaign start.

Arcadia V Jincrath

by Arcadia -

The air buzzed with potential as the students and teachers sat in the stands looking down
at the arena floor. Today was placement day. First year’s train just for this moment.
Arcadia waited in the holding chamber with the rest of her class. Everyone was on edge.
Their future at the college was based on how well they performed and also who they would be
facing in combat. Finally, after hours of waiting one of their instructors Sarah Bailey, a
half-elven woman with long black hair tied in a braid going down her back, entered.
“It’s time.” She announced and began taking students out of the room two by two. Hearing the
duels faintly through the walls followed by the cheering and applauds of the crowd above.
Finally, after over a dozen matches only two students remained. Arcadia and Jincrath
Dancarash sat across from each other staring daggers at one another. Ever since her arrival at the
college, she and Jincrath have been at each other’s throats, she hated the way he talked down to
everyone but begrudgingly he walked the talk his skill far exceed those in his class only being
rivaled by that of Arcadia’s. They would try and out perform each other in every class they had.
But in actuality that motivation pushed both of them to the top of their class.
Arcadia wanted to prove to everyone that she deserved to be there. The college was her
only chance to advance socially. She won’t let allow anyone to take this chance from her,
especially Jincrath.
“It’s a shame really. I was hoping for an actual test today.” Jincrath scoffed, sitting back
in his chair. “But I’ll enjoy making an example of you in front of the whole school.”
Arcadia growled in response “We’ll see about that you slimy lizard” Jincrath shot up
from his seat ready for a fight “What did you say to me you cat?!” Both of them stood face to
face ready for a fight.
“That is enough you two!” Sarah stood at the door, her voice booming from the effects of
a thaumaturgy spell the glow of green . “ The college has no place for childish petty squabbles.
Save your energy for the dueling grounds.”
Jincrath smirked and held out his hand “Let’s have a clean duel Arcadia. What do you
say?” Arcadia understood his tone as a challenge; he might as well have said ‘I’m gonna wipe
the floor with you.’Arcadia returned his offer with her own smile and took his hand and
answered “Nothing would make me happier.”
The two walked side by side down the hall. Sarah could pick up on the energy emanating
from them. She clenched her jaw in caution, part of her did not like feeding this anger in these
students but knew they would perform at a much higher level together. Reaching the T shaped
hallway that leads to the arenas entrances the two students marched down their respective
hallways each accompanied by a supervisor as they walk away from each other they each take
one more glance back at their opponent. Arcadia's emerald eyes meeting Jincrath's piecing yellow
black slited orbs.
Sarah was assigned to walk with Arcadia “Letting him get in your head will only slow
you down when it counts.” She warned her student.
“It won’t. Staying silent and taking his jeers and torment is not going to help me focus any more
then standing up for myself.” Arcadia answers as they arrive at one of the arena gates.
Sarah summoned a basic wooden staff, it was dark brown and had a red gemstone embedded at
the top, handed it to Arcadia and gave her one last reassuring hand on the young girl’s shoulder.
The gate opened up, stepping into the light Arcadia felt the change of cement change to
marble on her clawed feet. Looking up at the rows of seats filled with students of the college and
even some citizens who have come to witness the next generation of great spell-casters battle. She
saw the deans of each respective college sitting in the front all analyzing each move they made.
Arcadia's gaze turned forward seeing Jincrath approach the center as well. The staff in his
hand was pure white with a blue gem embedded at the top. They both stop at five feet away from
each other.
The master of ceremonies who was also the dean of the bard’s college at the university
stood on a podium amongst the stands and bellowed out
“And for our last event of the evening, we have Jincrath Dancarash versus Arcadia. The duel will
end when one combatant is rendered unconscious or surrenders or until two minutes pass.
Duelist at the ready!” The crowd roared in anticipation as Arcadia and Jincrath readied
themselves. Arcadia clutched the staff in both hands and Jincrath spun his around and slammed
it down with an echoing thud.
“Begin!” the master of ceremonies barked.
In a flash of light, Jincrath launched shards of ice toward Arcadia, in reaction, she
swished her staff, and a glowing red line streaks through the air forming a shield around Arcadia.
The shards shattered upon impact of the shield.
Arcadia slammed her staff down as a streak of red energy cracks and shifted through the marble
floor and creates a rune pattern in the shape of a triangle. The runes glowed brighter and brighter
before detonating in a small explosion.
When the smoke cleared Jincrath has vanished and reappeared behind Arcadia in a flare of blue
“Enough of this.” He growled summoning blue crackling lighting and thrusts his staff into his
opponent’s abdomen sending her flying back and crashed against the floor she picked herself
back up with help of the staff
“It’s pathetic really, a runt like yourself has no place in a prestigious institution like this. Save
yourself the embarrassment and give up now!” Jincrath said through bated breath
For novice level students, they were already reaching the limit to their spell-casting abilities but
anger and stubbornness were winning at this moment.
Arcadia coughed into her hand seeing some blood she chuckles tiredly.
“Maybe I am out of my league but then how sad is that for you that you can’t even beat a runt
like me!” Arcadia swirled her staff in the air and dashed in a thunderous step toward Jincrath.
Jincrath stumbled back not being quick enough to counter. Arcadia swung her staff as it glowed a
vicious red connecting with his shoulder
He hissed in pain and in the midst of his cry he stomped his taloned feet and his eyes crackle
bright blue as he began blasting a wave of lightning from his maw at her.
Arcadia tucked and rolled out of the way.
“Stand still you little rat!“ Jincrath roared his eyes crackling light blue in rage
Sarah watching from the stands turns to the dean of magic saying “this is going too far we should
stop the match.” The dean raised their hand to stop Sarah “No… let them. I am intrigued.”
Jincrath raised and slammed down his staff toward Arcadia but she is able to block the initial
impact but the continued force caused Arcadia’s staff too snap in half in that moment time
slowed as the woods splinters flew by her face then feeling the clawed talons of Jincrath wrap
around her throat and raise her up. He was much stronger than her so it was fairly easy even with
one hand.
“You will never beat me! Ever!” He snarled in her face before summoning a shock of energy
through his arm causing her to yowl in pain and begins feeling herself fading. Arcadia conjured
what power she had and dug her claws across his maw and eyes feeling them pierce his scales
and begin drawing blood he roared in pain as she kicked him repeatedly in the stomach and
chest. He tossed her to the floor and fell to one knee and held the gashes on his face.
Arcadia pulled herself to her knees and clutched her throat, meeting each other’s eye’s once
again both exhausted and filled with hate. blood streaking down his face and down onto the floor.
Jincrath tossed his staff aside and flexed his talons as they begin to glow he lunged
forward slashing at his opponent but she leaps back to avoid the first initial swipes. Eventually, he
catches her on the side of her ribs leaving long red streaks.
In retaliation, Arcadia summons a spectral gauntlet and cracks Jincrath against the cheek
which he returns with a swipe against her collarbone more blood drips to the floor
Sarah stood up and begged the dean “Please they will kill each other! Call the duel a
draw!” The dean didn’t respond focusing on the combatants trading blows in the middle of the
arena it was now a battle of constitution.
Typically under arena rules, if the combatants stop casting spells the duel is to be called a
no contest. but since they evoked magic for their claws or fists they were allowed to proceed.
The crowd was on the edge of their seats this was the longest match they’ve seen typically a duel
will only last under a minute.
Finally, Jincrath grabbed Arcadia by the collar and pulled her close so that they were face
to face she clung her paws around his throat. After a few seconds, Jincrath finally collapsed onto
their stomach as does Arcadia who lands on their back both still awake barely huffing for air
never taking their eyes off one another before blacking out.
Later Arcadia woke up in the infirmary of the college. She was bandaged up feeling dizzy but
more relieved than she was hours ago. She left everything she had in that battle. It was her fight
to stay in this school and she just hopes it was enough.
Sarah walked into the room and approached Arcadia
“You’re awake! How do you feel?”
She took a nearby stool and sat beside her students side.
“Hurts like hell. What happened?” She asked
Sarah sighed
“You both blacked out and well, the admission board was initially inclined to expel you. You let
your personal feelings control the duel and went at each other like wild animals.”
“What about Jincrath?” Arcadia asked
“His family made a case. Instead of punishment, he will be focusing his energy on his studies as
a double major in the Arcane Mastery Program and in Orating and Public Speaking.” Sarah
answers “I know what you are gonna say. Trust me, I made as much argument as I could but
money and reputation make a lot of issues go away. But there is something you should know…
During the meeting with the Dancarash family, it was mentioned you would be removed from the
school, Jincrath spoke up for your continued enrollment Caused a bit of a stir but they eventually
agreed to let you stay under the condition you participate in a work study program”
Arcadia wasn't surprised of course the school would find a way to pin the blame on her, nobility
trumps all facts and reasoning. But for Jincrath Dancarash to stand up for her? The same Jincrath
that called her runt everyday without fail? It seemed impossible.
“Why would he do that?”
“Not a clue. But he was serious, if you were expelled he would not continue his studies here. His
mother looked ready to turn him to stone.” Sarah explains.
Arcadia sighs as much she wants to be angry, every interaction with Jincrath made her
believe he would toss her to the wolves at half a chance. But now she doesn't know how too feel
about him. It was the first time someone spoke up for her like that. She looks out a nearby
window out to the city of Durunum.
Meanwhile, Jincrath lays on his bed in his childhood home. Like Arcadia, he is heavily
bandaged. He winces a bit feeling the scar on his face starting to scab. That doesn't stop him form
getting a head start on his studies for the arcane mastery program but his mind is clouded first
because he is in a large amount of pain and second he can’t stop thinking about Arcadia. He
hated that little runt so much, how could he have let her get in his head? He put his future on the
line for her! It was like second nature when he spoke up to the admissions board.
Tamora Dancarash’s words ring in his head from the carriage ride home. “How could you
do something so stupid! Risking you’ve worked for! Risking all that your father and I have
worked for to give you this opportunity! You will do nothing but study and prepare for next
semester till you recover. I will have to do a lot of damage control to clear up this scene you
made.” His older brother, Jaxcrath voice followed after their mothers.
“That pussy cat gave you a run for your coin Jincrath. Don't tell me you’re going soft. You’re not
gonna last much longer at that school if you are.”
He couldn’t stop thinking about Arcadia and that attitude and audacity to argue with him
and her determination to succeed and how alluring she could be and how soft her fur looks and...
He shook his head snapping out of thinking about her like that. Perhaps his family is right? Was
he letting his emotions control him? No. He stands by his decision, he wants to prove he is
unmatched in that school and beyond and the only person who could challenge him at his level to
be the best was Arcadia.
End of Part 1

Continue reading...

  1. Arcadia V Jincrath
    8 years before the campaign start.
  2. Loaf of Bread
    Many Years Ago.....
  3. Arcadia Field Report 1
    June 28th, 998
  4. Arcadia Field Report 2
    June 30th, 998