Ula’rea Nirvana | World Anvil

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Ula’rea Nirvana

Level 8 Earth Genasi Artificer Archivist
81 / 81 HP

Full of action but not words

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Sat 23rd Nov 2019 06:28

The Heist

by Ula’rea Nirvana

Still in Tanners Folly, I was disgusted by the smell. We saved some people from an underwater temple (kind of forgot about them oops). Much to my dismay, we stayed overnight in that town to get rest before leaving in the morning. I was annoyed though because people kept talking and it was hard to go to sleep. I wanted to magically tinker a wooden spoon to tell Ramia and Damiel to “shut up and kiss already,” but I was too tired. Bell was loud as always, but she’s funny though.
My team and I went to the Red Castle for allcrims night to break into the dukes room and steal stuff! It starts at sundown when the whistle blows. We got into the Red Castle, which is actually a manor. Bell got shot in the shoulder by an arrow from opening a door. This whole place is booby trapped. I almost got caught, but I overloaded the guard’s puny brain.
Bell smashed a mirror. I don’t know why, but that caused a lot of trouble. My team was really annoyed with each other. I had to use merge with stone twice and they still couldn’t keep it together. We found the Duke and his family. His name is Abido. He’s pretty chill and I took 500 gold. I wanted to stay stealthy just in case. The people I hang out with were pretty talented with their spells and stuff. They’ve all agreed upon doing an intervention for Bell in the morning. After winning, I was kind of tired and bored of looting. I’m ready to get out of here.

The major events and journals in Ula’rea's history, from the beginning to today.

I miss Bell.

01:30 am - 20.02.2020

Bell has officially gone insane.

02:57 pm - 18.01.2020

The Heist

Still in Tanners Folly, I was disgusted by the smell. We saved some people from an underwater temple (kind of forgot about them oops). Much to my dismay, we stayed overnight in that town to get rest before leaving in the morning. I was annoyed though beca...

06:27 pm - 23.11.2019

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Other Characters by Imani243