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When last we left our "heroes"...

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Aerenal
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Supporting Cast
  • Dagon Huxley
    Despite his rough upbringing and troubled past Dagon can be fairly polite and cordial. While he has a past with deceiving people or stealing things he tries to be nice. He can often be a bit of a lady’s man.
  • Lieutenant Gore
    Gore appears to be a man of a jovial nature. He is always seen smiling, and he speaks in a very friendly and lenient manner. He is a man of great strength but claims to anyone he meets that he is not a man of action. In his own words, "I'm more of an adviser than a combatant."

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Rimaia Algol

Level 9 Tiefling Chaotic Good Cleric
/ 72 HP

Night Hail

Damiel Morgethai

Radiance Eme Omrin

Level 7 Aasimar (Scourge) Neutral Good Paladin
(Bounty Hunter)
/ 69 HP

Nabith Lemterek

Level 7 Dragonborn Paladin
/ 54 HP

Zsoana Esashia


Binbelliya Syldan

Level 7 Quarter Elf Chaotic Bubbly Monk
/ 48 HP

Ula’rea Nirvana

Level 8 Earth Genasi Artificer Archivist
81 / 81 HP