CrueFire WoodSoul | World Anvil

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Played by
max bruegge4

The major events and journals in CrueFire's history, from the beginning to today.

I lost my light over half a century ago and now i was told that she was not even real. I lost my will to live back then and only got it back to remember her and now if what they are saying is true i don't have a reason to continue anymore. im walking on my last legs and soon i shall pass unless i find a new reason. right now i keep pushing because i don't fully believe them and there is a little girl that needs me help

03:06 am - 25.06.2020

I beilive that my part sees them selves as the Heros for the people. I dont see my self as a hero. They are all so young that they have not lived there lives and they are now on this quest to help people. i fear that we will come to a point where one of us will have to choose the hard path and that one of us must die for the others to live.

03:03 am - 25.06.2020

Im only staying with the guards right now to not make me look even more hated. I have no intentions of going to jail. I need to talk to the SIlvers to see if they know who is behind this. then i need to go to the party to talk to Captain Greenbolt to see what happened on umberic

03:01 am - 25.06.2020

I hate Nobles they have done nothing for me other than fuck my life over time and time again. And Tim keeps talking like the Nobles will save us from all the predjue from the guards and the rangers. but that will never happen Nobles only care about their own personal gain.

02:59 am - 25.06.2020

I had only learned that i hade a child in a letter from my wife. she was expecting he child was not born yet. i was so happy. but when i came back she was dead and now im being told that the letter was all a lie

02:00 am - 25.06.2020

Why me. why was my wife not real. I still cant believe that no matter what the Silver Wing order says. When she died i felt my light go out and the world became darker. on one day i lost my wife and my son. but from what the Silver's have said my son was never born and my wife was a man-made creation.

03:28 am - 21.06.2020

Im Afraid for what's going to be happening tomorrow.

03:17 am - 21.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of CrueFire.

Played by
max bruegge4