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Adventures In Addolis

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Adventures in Addilon
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Tomas Roseburn
    Tomas is a young handsome bard, who lives life to the fullest. He is hunting 5 cursed swords which is his family's duty.
  • Val
    A scared man who takes solace in silence. He has been tasked by a woman to keep her child safe.

Session: 6/20/2020

After the body of a child washed up from a sewage drain you all jumped into action following up on leads and clues. In your search for answers you met with the local thieves guild known as the Hangman's Slip. You also followed up on the dirt found at the orphanage, which led to the city's sewer system. But that is not to say everything was free from conflict. You had your first encounter with the Rangers which was less than friendly. You also encountered a strange one-eyed entity who attacked the party before disappearing without a trace. Last week’s session concluded with CrueFire being visited in the night by two members of the Silver Wing Order.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

CrueFire WoodSoul

Miss? Emelia Redwood

Corsair Tim van Dorssel
