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Phantom Assassin, living a double life, running from his past to pave a self guided future.

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Fri 29th Jan 2021 11:59

Goren 6 Questions

by Goren

6 Questions:
1.Where was the Character Born?
-Goren (Pelleas Inayra) was Born in Pinnacle on 13 of Crossing (Namus full moon) in Year 306. He is about 50 years old.
2.Who are their parents?
-Parents are Elduin (Father) and Kenai (Mother). Eldest Brother is Arel and he has younger twin sisters, Keya and Anya. they are secret arms dealers but front as investors known as Inayra Investments. A wealthy family with a deep rooted network in The Pinnacle.
2a.Are the parents/family still alive?
-Family is still alive. (Potentially looking for him, he doesn't know nor does he care)

3.What was your character doing before the adventuring life?
-Before he died and became Danny Phantom, he was working with his family. Goren was a spy that they would utilize for information gathering, and infiltration, while his Brother was learning the business end. The Inayra family is notably one the wealthier families within the upper aristocracy, and as a result they train their second born sons to be "Informants" to infiltrate other dealings, manage the street ends of the business, and ensure prosperity. Goren was trained by his uncle Eldemar who was the informant before Goren. And after Goren had "Died" the job of informant was taken over by his younger cousin (Second born to Eldemar) Raull Inayra.

4.Why did your character leave their previous life?
-He left after a job went wrong, he was infiltrating another family and was discovered. They tortured him for information and he did not yield resulting in him being "Murdered" (Scar from the blade that pierced his chest is still visible), but due to some "mystical moon shit" since he was born on the 13 of crossing, and subsequently "Died" on the same day, he awoke looking different (High elf to Namus Elf). Regaining his memory and eventually being retaken in by his family he was ostracized, abused, and used solely as a weapon as his father is an elitist/purist, and wanted nothing to do with the defected version of his son that crawled back to them in failure. He escaped and utilized his ability as a spy to create a new life for himself and leaving everything he knew behind.

5.What did your character leave behind?
-He left behind what was once a life of luxury and wealth, which turned to abuse and scorn. He essentially left his entire identity behind him. The dark dealings of the Inayra family are not known widely throughout The Pinnacle, and as a result the information he holds could sabotage their business. Though this is not Goren's plan, he is leaving his home city to protect himself from his family, as they would surely want him to not spread that information.
6.What does your character want? (motivations)
-He wants to create a new life for himself without the influence of a family, or any association to his past life, and wants to pave his own destiny and accomplish world renown by his own means. He refuses to give himself a last name since he wants only to be associated with his present self, no ties to kin or heritage. Ultimately wants his actions to outlive his identity.
Smaller themes within Goren's motives are to be known, and feared. He wants his enemies to loose sleep thinking that Goren could strike at any moment (Batman narative)

The major events and journals in Goren's history, from the beginning to today.

Goren 6 Questions

6 Questions: 1. Goren (Pelleas Inayra) was Born in Pinnacle on 13 of Crossing (Namus full moon). He is about 50 years old. 2. Parents are Elduin (Father) and Kenai (Mother). Eldest Brother is Arel and he has younger twin sisters, Keya and Anya. 2a. Fa...

08:23 pm - 29.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Goren.