

Goren was Born into a wealthy family that has deep roots in Pinnacle as Investors/Arms Dealers that predates the purity war   His Family was traitorous and scorned their reputation for profit, though that knowledge is not widely known within Pinnacle.   As a result of their actions they decided to weaponize their children, and train the second son of each family member to be an “Informant”, a spy to perpetuate their influence within Pinnacle, and to squash any rumours that might arise that they have a tarnished history.   Goren was raised by his uncle because he was set to be the primary informant being the second born son, training with him most of his childhood and working with him on missions.   Even before his changes, the relationship between Goren and his father were strained as his father is the first of kin, and quite an elitist.   He had infiltrated a rivalling family, and was caught trying to gather information. They had tortured/interrogated him, and upon getting nothing from him they deemed Goren useless and plunged a blade into his chest (The Scar is still visible)   Goren had awoken on the streets of the underbelly, on a disposal where bodies are usually found frequently, he was seemingly in a new body, though he remained all the facial features of his past life his hair was Silver/White, his skin was a light purple hue, and his eyes were pale blue.   After he had awoken from his near death experience, he had a vague memory of his previous life, coupled with this new found ability to commune with the dead to a small degree. He would hear whispers from souls, and see shadows or “Phantoms” of the deceased.   After wandering the underbelly for some time, he was plagued with dreams of his past life. He sought out his family to reclaim what was his, only to be met with scepticism. He had convinced his family that it was truly him after revealing inner secrets, and was eventually allowed back into their home.   After his changes he was hailed as an outcast, exiled within the home so no one would see this stain on the family’s purity. As far as they were concerned their son had died on that mission, and what was left was only his abilities, to which they exploited.   He was housed in their guest house on the mansion complex, treated as one of the servants, and often attempts were made at his life. (Finding poison in his meals, stalked by assassins on his missions etc.)   He attempted many times to flee only to be brought back and beaten. If any secrets of the Inayra family were to get out they would be finished.   He finally was able to escape, and used his training to craft a second life, a new beginning. Goren was the name he chose, forging documents of birth and crafting an entire life around this visage. He refuses to choose a last name as he wants his actions to be associated with him alone.   He would often take revenge on his family by contracting his skills to rivaling gangs that were on the losing end of personnel armed with Inayra weapons. He eventually gained some small notoriety within the underbelly as the Pinnacle’s Shadow, an assassin for hire.   His call to adventure in the outside world was due to his lust for renown, he wants to be a household name, beit hero or boogeyman. His lust for fame landed him in small adventuring parties and taking on contracts outside the influence of assassinations and crime dealings. Whatever it takes to get his name out there.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Goren is not overly tall, coming in at 6 feet tall and 150 pounds. He is of very slim but athletic build due to his training in stealth and acrobatics. He has a light purple tint to his skin, pale blue eyes with seemingly no pupil, and long silvery/white hair that is usually up in a bun, or at it’s full length coming from either side of his hood when it is up. He does not show any discerning masculine features in his face, and if not for his voice he would be rather ambiguous. He has a large scar on his chest where he was stabbed during his interrogation, and wears white face paint of a skull to hide most of his features in the event he crosses paths with someone who would recognize him based on his facial structure, he also has a large hood and face mask on his clothes to cover his face when needed. He usually wears tighter black clothing under dark stained leather armour, if you were to see him in a tavern you would know his profession right away, he looks like he could mould into the shadows at a drop of a coin. He carries a distinct bow that is decorated with intricate carvings of spirits and skulls (Very mexican day of the dead looking skulls) Most of what he wears is designed to build his brand. He wants to be discrete yet recognizable. Batman if you will, in his head cannon he wants foes to share horror stories of his image.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Life isn’t fair, some are born with a silver spoon and some have that spoon removed forcefully, Goren ended up in the latter category. Born as Pelleas Inayra, second son of 4 to a family heavily embedded into the aristocracy of Pinnacle. Though their wealth seems endless their reputation is that of lesser regard. They dabbled into armaments and dealing, knowledge that is not well known; they had even settled scores with humans during the purity wars, painting a traitorous mark on their names. Goren was managing himself well enough in the bureaucracy, being of smaller frame as a youth led to advantages in his later years. Goren was exceptional at a few distinct things that would lend him well to his family in their constant power struggle, and those things would also be his eventual undoing. Intrigue, espionage, deceit, and lies. Goren was well versed in the arts of spying, and well on his way to making a name for himself, if anyone had ever known it was him. Subjugating information, being a liaison for black market deals, and infiltrating events to garner more intel was his dance, and he was well choreographed. There was one job though, one that has distantly left his mind from the events preceding, that would turn this charming agent of malice into what he is today. The job was less than successful to say the least, and it landed him under the knife of a rivalling family. Days of torture and interrogation led to no avail, as Pelleas was not cooperative, and his ability to keep his mouth ended with a blade in his chest. What came after for this lost soul, was a cataclysmic fallout. He had awoken on the streets, no concrete recollection of his past. He had awoken to a change of appearance, light pale purple skin, long silver hair, and blue eyes. Plagued with dreams of this double life the lost Pelleas sought out to reunite with his family, met only with hostility and disbelief. After convincing his kin of existence by way of obscure family knowledge, it was only the beginning to the end. Goren was criticized, ridiculed and excommunicated within the house, used only as a tool, treated as some form of abomination. After many attempts at murder, accompanied by his general feel of alienation he had made his escape from his family’s oppressive clutches. The only thing that remained was obscure visions of the dead, strange whispers in his ear attempting to influence his decisions, and a calloused empty outlook on mortality. His brush wish death had left a mark on him that haunts him to this day. When Goren had returned as a Namus elf, it was said to have been a stain on the family’s pure Elven heritage. Changes were made swiftly and Goren’s cousin was rising up to take his place in the Hierarchy of their organization. Once on his own, he used his abilities as an agent of mystery to create a second life, a new start under the guise of an assassin named Goren. He made quick work throughout the underbelly as a hitman, took out rivalling gangs with ease, and made a small name for himself with purpose on his own ambitions, Goren the Pinnacle’s shadow, free from the oppression of the aristocracy, free from the clutches of his family, and free to find purpose in his own actions.

Intellectual Characteristics

Personality traits Pre and post mortem Goren was always good at lying, as a result he tends to do so without reason. Bread into high society Goren is posh, and will often complain about things of lesser luxury, despite his current situation. Despite being full of himself, he is analytical in failure, and will think critically about his shortcomings. Ideals After tasting freedom, he had drunk the milk of paradise. Goren is an individual and detests when people tell him what to do, be it authority or party member. Bonds Free from his family name, Goren has sought out to make a name for himself. His own legacy under his own rules. Goren has a lust for renown and recognition. And will make sure his deeds are known, if they benefit the brand he is building. Flaws Goren is cocky and arrogant. His mouth is sometimes quicker than his arrows and will not hesitate to belittle those of prowess well beyond his own.

Personality Characteristics


Being raised primarily by his uncle, Goren from a young age adopted a similar personality style. Glorious in victory and analytical in defeat. Goren will not hesitate to take on a challenge, as he is aware that his failure will reveal where his logic was flawed. Though his bond with Eldemar was strong on the surface, when he returned scarred with his new form, he was easily cast aside by his uncle. This deeply troubled Goren, and he will often reflect his decisions on whether it is his Uncle’s influence or his own personal ambitions.


Contacts & Relations

The Inayra family has deep roots in Armaments and Investments. They will flip weapons on the black market to mercenary groups non-aligned to any moral code, and use their ill gotten gains on the forefront investing in small business, charging ridiculous interest. Behind closed doors, they are not well liked among the other established businesses within Pinnacle, though their wealth and influence wards off any up front confrontation. As a result of their shady dealings the family has historically trained individuals within their kin as secret agents, known within the family as “Informants”, this is used to garner information and infiltrate social events to have an upper hand on their competitors either on a social or economical front. This was usually taken under helm by the second born male. They have a powerful influence in the black market as they will provide weapons and resources to mercenary groups, gangs, and thugs yielding royalty off of their profit. It is a “Lesser known fact” That is held a rumour more than anything, but during the Purity War the Inayra family business extended hands to the Humans, and provided arms to them for major profit. This investment set them up to be the powerhouse they are today, but led them to be scorned as traitors by other aristocrats within Pinnacle.   The Inayra Family consists of:
  • Elduin and Kenai Inayra - Goren’s parents and current heads of the company Succeeding Gorens Grandparents who died before Goren (Pelleas) was born.
  • Arel Inayra - Understudy to his Father and next of kin to take on the helm of their enterprise and 20 years senior to Goren
  • Goren (Pelleas Inayra) - Was the family's primary Informant because he was second born. He trained under his Uncle Eldemar, who was the informant prior to Goren
  • Keya and Anya - 40 years younger than Goren, his twin sisters.
  • Eldemar - Gorens uncle and second born male next to Elduin. He was the primary informant before Goren was trained.
  • Gwendal - Spouse of Eldemar, born from a rivaling family and wedded for a corporate merger.
  • Kenai - First born and Daughter of Eldemar. Same age as Goren
  • Raull - Second born Son of Eldemar, Trained as an informant and replaced Goren in his absence 20 years younger than Goren

Phantom Assassin, living a double life, running from his past to pave a self guided future.

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Chaotic Neutral – His oppression has led him to hold his best interest and freedom above others, he is not afraid to cause havoc if it leans a scenario better in his favour.
Date of Birth
13 of Crossing Year 306
Pale blue (No pupil)
Long White/silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Purple
Quotes & Catchphrases
“There are no such thing as mistakes, only opportunities for improvement” - Eldemar Inayra to Pelleas during training

Goren 6 Questions

6 Questions:   1.Where was the Character Born?   -Goren (Pelleas Inayra) was Born in Pinnacle on 13 of Crossing (Namus full moon) in Year 306. He is about 50 years old.   2.Who are their parents?   -Parents are Elduin (Father) and Kenai (Mother). Eldest Brother is Arel and he has younger twin sisters, Keya and Anya. they are secret arms dealers but front as investors known as Inayra Investments. A wealthy family with a deep rooted network in The Pinnacle.   2a.Are the parents/family still alive?   -Family is still alive. (Potentially looking for him, he doesn't know nor does he care) 3.What was your character doing before the adventuring life?   -Before he died and became Danny Phantom, he was working with his family. Goren was a spy that they would utilize for information gathering, and infiltration, while his Brother was learning the business end. The Inayra family is notably one the wealthier families within the upper aristocracy, and as a result they train their second born sons to be "Informants" to infiltrate other dealings, manage the street ends of the business, and ensure prosperity. Goren was trained by his uncle Eldemar who was the informant before Goren. And after Goren had "Died" the job of informant was taken over by his younger cousin (Second born to Eldemar) Raull Inayra. 4.Why did your character leave their previous life?   -He left after a job went wrong, he was infiltrating another family and was discovered. They tortured him for information and he did not yield resulting in him being "Murdered" (Scar from the blade that pierced his chest is still visible), but due to some "mystical moon shit" since he was born on the 13 of crossing, and subsequently "Died" on the same day, he awoke looking different (High elf to Namus Elf). Regaining his memory and eventually being retaken in by his family he was ostracized, abused, and used solely as a weapon as his father is an elitist/purist, and wanted nothing to do with the defected version of his son that crawled back to them in failure. He escaped and utilized his ability as a spy to create a new life for himself and leaving everything he knew behind. 5.What did your character leave behind?   -He left behind what was once a life of luxury and wealth, which turned to abuse and scorn. He essentially left his entire identity behind him. The dark dealings of the Inayra family are not known widely throughout The Pinnacle, and as a result the information he holds could sabotage their business. Though this is not Goren's plan, he is leaving his home city to protect himself from his family, as they would surely want him to not spread that information.   6.What does your character want? (motivations)   -He wants to create a new life for himself without the influence of a family, or any association to his past life, and wants to pave his own destiny and accomplish world renown by his own means. He refuses to give himself a last name since he wants only to be associated with his present self, no ties to kin or heritage. Ultimately wants his actions to outlive his identity. Smaller themes within Goren's motives are to be known, and feared. He wants his enemies to loose sleep thinking that Goren could strike at any moment (Batman narative)