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Master Maeveli Larkhorn

Formerly a researcher of ancient artifacts for the Jedi Order, Maeveli was tasked with finding a powerful Sith artifact by Master Yoda and the Jedi Council. She escaped Order 66 with the help of Cale Endar, and has taken on Mez as her apprentice as she attempts to decipher the mystery of the Sith artifact they have acquired.

Campaign & Party

The Crew of the Eventide

Cale Maeveli Tar Mir Jolder
Run by copat149
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Sun 6th Nov 2022 08:25

Maeve's Musings

by Master Maeveli Larkhorn

At first, I was content to hide. Menial jobs among mundane people, hiding in plain sight, with the only companion I may have left in the world. I convinced myself it was preservation. One day, the Order would rise again. Surely, the Council is in hiding, biding their time - waiting to right this injustice against us. I will hide, and I will wait, and I will join when the path is made clear.
Discarded by another crew - "No love for the Empire", the captain's parting words. Would he not stand up, then? Did he not show more love to the Empire than to the Jedi by leaving Cale and I on this junk planet? Back to hiding, back to waiting.
We found ourselves attending an arena fight and after TEN YEARS, there is finally another. How could the crowd cheer while one of our Order is placed on this barbaric display? This is an outrage. But others helped him escape. There are some that would step up. May the Force guide us, we may find a way to find more Jedi. There must be more out there. Mir rants about a mask, and I can't quite explain why, but it makes me feel uneasy. He draws what he's seen. The Force guides me, and I remember... could this really be related to my last assignment? I still feel uneasy. What is this object and what can I do with it if there is no longer a Council to report to?
Poor Master Peratus. And he revealed what Skywalker did... how could I not have known about that? I was hiding way too long. How could this artifact have driven him into that madness? Is it truly that powerful? I must find out more about it. A difficult task considering it's obviously dangerous to Jedi. I feared we had lost Mez to it. I managed to find a holocron that may explain more, but it's damaged. Nor do I know how to open it.
I suppose the one good thing about being on a junk planet, is that there's still a chance you'll find a treasure. We've managed to repair a ship and can leave. Jolder has connections among the Rebels. It seems the path has been laid.
We make it to Lianna. Imperial presence is heavy here. There are eyes and ears everywhere, it seems. We have to be careful. We meet Jolder’s contact but are told there’s too many of us to move. In the meantime, we’ll find some work.
We are beast hunting in Magni. We spoke with a Talz… she was strong with Force. Jedi have been here to help before. Why did she say that Mez’s aura was red? Did the mask do something to him? He seems troubled, but surely, he is not aligned with the dark side.
The Talz betrayed us and left us as a meal for the Hydra. We defeated it but Mez was.. beyond himself. He used the dark side and it sent him into a rage. This is worse than I thought. Please don’t let him be too far gone.
We’re back on Lianna, and he flew into another rage. This time over a former trooper. Mir and I were able to stop him from doing anything rash, and learned this trooper was involved with the death of his former master. The trooper is coming back later to explain what happened. After talking with Mez, I think it will get better now. I think he understands how important he is now, how important it is for him to resist the dark side.
The former trooper, Bob, explained some things. I have been a coward for too long, hiding while the Empire hunted more Jedi, bringing us closer to extinction. To use them. To use us. How many have died or been turned while I hid away, waiting for the council to reappear? How many could I have saved from that fate if I hadn’t been crippled into inaction by my own cowardice? Mez is right to be angry. We have every right to be.

The major events and journals in Maeveli's history, from the beginning to today.

Maeve's Musings

At first, I was content to hide. Menial jobs among mundane people, hiding in plain sight, with the only companion I may have left in the world. I convinced myself it was preservation. One day, the Order would rise again. Surely, the Council is in hiding, ...

08:25 pm - 06.11.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Maeveli.

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