Forgotten Secrets

A Star Wars 5e game In the world of Star Wars
9 BBY | Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • "Mother"
    The secretive Rebel cell contact Jolder works with in the fight against the Empire.
  • Fixer Cormaxi Pingold
    A corporate fixer in the employ of the Santhe Corporation. She is willing to get her hands dirty but prefers a certain level of insulation from the dirty work she pays others to do.
  • Cosa Thancell
    A twenty-something Naboo woman, Cosa Thancell is a capable mechanic and survivor. Extremely friendly to a fault, she is willing to help anyone and everyone, and knows more about engines and starships than most could ever hope to learn. Her new droid companion, EV-E3, is an invaluable help to her on the Eventide.
  • Femto
    Possibly the sole remaining Talz on Desevro, Femto is an ancient being that has lived long past her species normal lifespan. She attempted to lead the crew of the Eventide to their demise at the hands of a Hydra, the mythical personification of the blizzards of Desevro, and may have been responsible for the deaths of villages at its hands. Disappeared into the forest at the start of the battle.
  • Jensa
    A particularly abrasive Dug, Jensa is the leader of the Forsaken on Raxus Prime that controls the Terra Firrma Junker Station.
  • Master Kazdan Paratus
    A former Jedi that escaped Order 66 and fled from the Jedi Temple during Operation Knightfall. Escaping to Raxus Prime on a Consular Class Cruiser, Raxus Prime would stumble unto an ancient Sith Temple that housed the ancient mask. Between his grief, guilt, and the presence of the artifact corrupting his mind, he would build an effigy of the former Jedi Temple with surprising accuracy. He would further build junk droids to defend his new home and the ancient temple below it, fearing one day that the dark side would come for the powerful artifact hidden in its depths. He slowly lost his mind, growing beyond the help of the party when they would encounter him.
  • Pronk
    A Jawa that somehow winded up on Raxus Prime, he buys and sells just about anything he can get his hands on and is happy to just be doing well on the junk planet.
  • Roon Ka
    The proprietor of The Waiting Sun cantina on Terra Firma, he's a fairly friendly barkeep and willing to help most people out, even if they take most of his salt shakers.
  • Unknown
    A servant and Jedi Hunter for the Empire. Well versed in lightsaber and force combat.
  • Yuri
    A no-nonsense, straight to the point operator working for the Rebels on Lianna. He's gruff, abrasive, but loyal to a fault to those who have proven loyal in return. His knowledge of Lianna's underworld is critical to the Rebellion. He is the owner of Juniper's Parts, a front for a Rebel safehouse.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 20th November 2022 11:00

Session 7

The party has landed in Lianna, and is looking for work to pay for their new ship, the Eventide. Several work leads have popped up.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Cale Endar

Master Maeveli Larkhorn

Jedi Knight Mez

Tar Tali'sar

Mir Stodja

Jolder Kar'dral