Miss? Emelia Redwood | World Anvil

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Miss? Emelia Redwood
The sex appeal

Attractive young elf living on the run from several things and trying to turn her life around and be a better person.

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Umbric isles/addolis empire

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Mon 8th Nov 2021 02:12

Before the job to fix the boat

by Miss? Emelia Redwood

So many things still to be done, I should talk to some of the party, mostly the new paladin, I can already tell he's one of those that have an oath of vengence, I should try to get more details about his family's death at the hands of the Blades. I should also make sure he knows exactly what they did to me, should be something similar if they still act as they did before the shift in power.
I also need to talk to Crufire about the destruction of multiple of our peoples blades of legends.

The major events and journals in Emelia's history, from the beginning to today.

Before the job to fix the boat

So many things still to be done, I should talk to some of the party, mostly the new paladin, I can already tell he's one of those that have broken their oath, I'd like to know what it was as well as more details about his family's death at the hands of th...

02:39 am - 16.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Emelia.

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