Corsair Tim van Dorssel | World Anvil

Corsair Tim van Dorssel


Handsome idiot who tries to do good in the world, but is tempted by power due to his lack of conviction and personal strength.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Tim's history, from the beginning to today.

Feels good to kick ass and help lives. Butcher's dead, that monster of a goblin's dead... and I even saved the day for Cruefire. Hope the statue'll help discourage crime in the area. Any evil lads show up there again, I'll be there to smack 'em down.

06:54 am - 24.05.2021

I'll need to create a soul gem and a device, machine, or projector for it. Once we find my brothers soul, we entrap it in the soul gem to prevent it from heading off to Hell, then, use the device to allow him to affect and communicate with us on the material world. Hopefully, he can atone, do good, and eventually pass on to be with his family, rather than suffer eternally. Maybe that's how Warforged were made?

03:45 am - 06.08.2020

A few battles and wandering later, we've finally managed to get contact from the outside world! Sucks that Loomar's the first one talking to us. The deal she made with Will... I hope I won't have to end up saving his soul as well as my brothers. What Loomar said did give me some ideas, though...

03:43 am - 06.08.2020

That room was quite nice. It creeped me out a bit at first, but nothing bad happened! Now where's that elf...

06:44 am - 05.07.2020

The party was nice, I met a strong, cute woman there. The whole 'serial killer' showing up, though, that was a bummer. I hope the guests are alright.

06:43 am - 05.07.2020

That vampire lord, Addolis, will be here at the party. I should ask him how Tartarian's doing.

09:35 pm - 04.07.2020

I knew something was sketchy with the Matron! That lying harlot. We'll get evidence and get her to justice.

03:06 am - 21.06.2020

I can't believe those fools fled. How are we supposed to defend ourselves now? I'll try my persuasive charms and speaking with the Chancellor about the incident, but, it'll be difficult.

03:06 am - 21.06.2020

Damn shame we didn't get evidence that we were slaying beasts in the sewers. That maniac will get his due... in due time.

03:05 am - 21.06.2020

The secrets of Fomorain's bow, the way it absorbs the abilities of others, might be useful to myself. If I could absorb the strength of a dumb, strong creature like a troll, or the intelligence of a dragon, I'd be able to do plenty of good, all by myself!

03:03 am - 19.06.2020

That Purple Hag, even with my charm, has been bothering me. A permanent solution is needed; probably her death. There's no such thing as a good Hag.

02:11 am - 19.06.2020

Gods, we need to kill that child murderer in Grandhall.

02:11 am - 19.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Tim.

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Other Characters by DoctorFrohman