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Fri 7th May 2021 09:15

Glück begünstigt die Mutigen

by Gerald

After the past few day I really thought we were screwed but panicking will bring us nowhere. So my new found friend and I tried to pull all our string try to find the true cooperated of this kidnapping after Pia went talking to Barry(echhh) and I went to dandelion. We also tried Ashes friend to find a blood hound but to no aval, but we also found out we didn’t have to stress about anything that the jugs would be in our favor. Still the fact that Franklin was our lawyer didn’t sit well I still fined him unbeweglich and cold there are still a few day before the court sitting and I have to prep my mutagen skill’s
The trail went great one of my collages succeeds as well but the other had some unforeseen side effect probably cut the Bitter root instead of squeezing it common mistake häufiger Fehler but scarey to see none the less. After that nothing much happened excepted Al3k made a verry nice looking pistole the engraving are a work of art hope he can help me one day with my arm and leg maybe would love to make this thing more unique
Der Tag der Abrechnung steht vor der Tür
Court day is upon us and it the first time in my life im this stressed but I think im not alone in this feel everybody seems stressed but we did our best Franklin didn’t say much with is a good thing I hope. The judge Verion was something else no question no tralalala’s just I spell scrolled true our mind’s gave a schukel deemed us innocent. But for the love of all the god’s I don’t believe in why in THE 9 HELL’S HAVE I TO GO TO THERAPY
Not to be to blunt but we have
1. A girl with anger management issue how punched a other student one day 2 and probably killed another on (in self-defense but he, tomato tomate)
2. A dwarf how has a drinking problem for sure and steal mailbox’s
But I cut my self-one’s and I have all the sudden problem’s I truly hope the group won’t think I’m a nut case Pia seemed sus of me I try to lie about mit war dumm but the court room wasn’t the place to talk about it. Now the order of the ghost are wanted most of the group are becoming bounty hunter with is a perfect cover for me and my order business. Just did my theory examine now were waiting for ash to fines I should maybe brew some mutagens for the combat trial

Gerald's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. meine ersten freien Schritte im Leben
    28 Mar 2021 11:49:42
  2. Wir sind in tiefer scheibe
    28 Mar 2021 09:22:05
  3. Glück begünstigt die Mutigen
    07 May 2021 09:15:00

The major events and journals in Gerald's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 00100: Bounty Hunters!

07:24 pm - 08.05.2021

Session 00100: Bounty Hunters!

05:23 pm - 08.05.2021

Glück begünstigt die Mutigen

After the past few day I really thought we were screwed but panicking will bring us nowhere. So my new found friend and I tried to pull all our string try to find the true cooperated of this kidnapping after Pia went talking to Barry(echhh) and I went to ...

09:15 pm - 07.05.2021

Session 0011: Court

09:08 pm - 24.04.2021

Session 0011: Court

06:41 pm - 24.04.2021

Wir sind in tiefer scheibe

This morning started somewhat as expected some of us feeling fine other less but we were all up and ready to go to class. But before that I wanted talk to Franklin about the whole murder happening in our dorm, so in my stupidity called him before ask the ...

09:22 pm - 28.03.2021

Session 00010: the afterparty

12:11 am - 28.03.2021

Session 00010: the afterparty

06:05 pm - 27.03.2021

meine ersten freien Schritte im Leben

Today was the first where is was allowed out side the labs. The only person that I know and talks to me is dandelion (Er hat mich auch zu einem besonderen Treffen eingeladen. Ich kann nicht anders, als dass er diese Pflanze von Anfang an hatte, aber im Mo...

08:18 pm - 17.03.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Gerald.

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Other Characters by Skarsnik