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Sun 28th Mar 2021 11:49

meine ersten freien Schritte im Leben

by Gerald

Today was the first where is was allowed out side the labs. The only person that I know and talks to me is dandelion (Er hat mich auch zu einem besonderen Treffen eingeladen. Ich kann nicht anders, als dass er diese Pflanze von Anfang an hatte, aber im Moment ist er mein einziger Freund, also habe ich keine Wahl) . So when I walked on the main squire I locked up but luckily my instinct kicked in and I made it to my dorm without any awkward situation. When I got to our mini mansion there was a group of verry interesting person’s waiting for me there was Elono Mcdond a dwarven fellow how is somewhat a local legend and his father is a great smith. Then there Sir Ash Shadow Green a elven lady with unquiet face make up or tattoo and I think a unique history behind her. Also a special side to see was the verry smooth al3k-6 or Alek he seem to share a similar fate to me withes was comforting to see that I was not the only made creature of this group. And finely there is Pia a satyr bard in making and is a ball of fun and joy withs even made me relaxes somewhat, but she is also oddly curios about my ceria number I hope I didn’t scare her of by being to prickly about it . Not wanting to be too social awkward I suggested a nice tischgesellschaft to break the ice a bit after the a party invitation came to us most of u were more than happy to go a specially me my first party can’t we hear some interesting thing about our dorm at the party can’t waited to sink my teeth in that mystery. And I do hope everybody is oke after that mutches of drink most of my hopefully soon new friends seemed pretty leichte trinker. But I will make some breakfast for them all tho I don’t know how, I ques Oneiromancy can’t teaches everything

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  1. meine ersten freien Schritte im Leben
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