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Sun 28th Mar 2021 09:22

Wir sind in tiefer scheibe

by Gerald

This morning started somewhat as expected some of us feeling fine other less but we were all up and ready to go to class. But before that I wanted talk to Franklin about the whole murder happening in our dorm, so in my stupidity called him before ask the rest if it was fine. Pia didn’t like that withs I totally understand sorry Pia. But as always he seemed not verry talkative about it, and he didn’t give much of information about. But after that we all went to class, my class was verry interesting I even met a nice elven girl and she lives close to our dorm (and she made a good point I probably need more “friend” but talking to people is still bit scary) the gossip was already starting. about our dorm and Brad ? I don’t like be an eyecatcher I just want to fit in and don’t cos any trouble but I ques my dorm mates don’t think that way because after my disappointing visit to the library line I saw sir ash punch a other student in the f*cking noses by the 9 hell’s ash could you please not put a target on our back (but to be fair this was the least of our problem). But that was not all our problems when we all meted up in the dorm Elono apparently stole a mailbox from the other dorm. And they Der Grand endlich, franklin visited us again. And Scheisse we are fuck Brad missing and we the last one to see hem. We were the scape goats in something bigger I could feel it but nothing to prove it jet. Me and Pia returned the mail box and I went to visit Jaskier he of course heard all ready about it. he didn’t know much ether but suggested that we need to figure something out fast. So like in a fight I thought if you get hit you don’t wait for more hit’s to come you hit back to give yourself some breathing room so I suggested to sneak in brad lockdown dorm many of my friend thought it wasn’t a good idea withs was a fair point. But seeing that Al3k had some experience he seemed easier to convince to something this stupid And we did we sneak in and what we found was not good a letter with a omens quote and bloody dagger. And some dragging marks add the back door. We went back to other dorm but Al3k spotted someone shadowing us. He escaped sadly making it back to other dorm we went to sleep. When then a noises in our hallway IT WAS BRAD, he was alive luckily in our panic we called franklin the arschloch of course thought it was us again after some back and forward’s he left with Brad. And put us in lock down when Al3k one’s again spotted someone in our garden. Everyone was on edge but I didn’t expected Pia to act like a such a badass but before I knew what was going on. our front door got smashed and 2 other stormed in it was the teefling from the note and a friend he had a scrap and I got hurt pretty bad when it al cooled down Franklin one again showed up commanded us to our rooms for questioning. Pia to care of my would luckily I hope she and the rest is doing fine she seemed in shock I felt bad for her and the rest of the group I sit here alone in pain waiting for my turn to be questioned

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