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Sun 10th Mar 2024 03:33

Journal Entry - Melodies of Mischief: A Night of Revelry and Regret

by Ellis Everett

We sailed down the river to another quaint town, seeking respite from the endless expanse of water. Anchoring our vessel, we ventured ashore, eager to stretch our legs and replenish our supplies.
In the heart of the town, a tavern beckoned, its doors wide open to weary travelers. A melody, sweet and haunting, drifted from within, drawing us closer. Stepping inside, all eyes turned to our motley crew, curiosity and speculation lingering in the air.
A muscular elven woman commanded the stage, her fingers dancing across the strings of an instrument, weaving tales of love and loss. While the others sought information, I found myself drawn to her music, an irresistible rhythm that called to my soul.
With a mischievous grin, I joined in, improvising lyrics to match her melody. The tavern erupted in laughter and applause as I danced atop tables, a whirlwind of energy amidst the sea of faces.
Mead flowed like a river, and the night blurred into a haze of revelry and merriment. Morning's light brought clarity, accompanied by a rude awakening. In a bed with no recollection of how I arrived, two figures stirred beside me: a halfling woman and the elven musician.
A new tattoo adorned my arm, a tangled knot of ropes, a symbol of a night lost to the depths of intoxication. The elven woman revealed the truth: we were married, bound by a drunken vow exchanged in the throes of celebration.
Rising hastily, I made excuses to depart, eager to flee the consequences of my folly. Yet, fate had other plans, as they insisted on accompanying me back to the ship.
Desperate to escape, I attempted to lose them along the way, but their determination matched my own. Just as they closed in, salvation came in the form of a gust of wind, courtesy of Amelia, sending the elven woman tumbling into the water below.
Reflecting on the chaos of the night, I vow never to indulge in such excess again, lest I find myself entangled in another drunken escapade.