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Sun 10th Mar 2024 04:05

Journal Entry - Whispers of Betrayal: Shadows in the Storm

by Ellis Everett

The biting chill of the icy storm cut through the air as elemental beings of ice descended upon our ship, their frozen tendrils wrapping around the vessel like serpents of frost. We found ourselves locked in a desperate struggle against foes born of the very elements themselves.
Amidst the chaos, our deck became a battleground, the clash of steel drowned out by the roars of wind and ice. Haldir, our bard, fell to the relentless assault of the elemental beings, leaving a void in our midst that echoed with the silence of his absence.
After our struggle with the elementals, two unexpected figures sought refuge upon our embattled vessel: a halfling and a robed man, the latter proclaiming himself a servant of the Cowled Wizards, under the command of none other than Nekrom. Alongside him stood Finigan, a halfling whose intentions remained shrouded in mystery.
The revelation of their presence was swiftly followed by tragedy, as Aldin, the robed man, met a violent end at the hands of an unknown assailant. In his final act of defiance, Aldin struck back, felling his attacker before succumbing to the icy embrace of the sea.
Our search for Gideon, our stalwart paladin, yielded only his abandoned belongings, his absence a gaping wound in the fabric of our fellowship. Anger and frustration swirled within me as I grappled with the bitter realization that he had abandoned us in our hour of need.
In a moment of unchecked emotion, Mavros, driven by suspicion and distrust, took the life of the halfling without consultation, his actions a stark reminder of the fragility of trust amidst the turmoil of uncertainty and peril.
As the storm raged on, obscuring our path and clouding our judgement, we found ourselves adrift in a sea of unanswered questions, our journey taking an unforeseen turn into the heart of darkness.