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Tue 26th Mar 2024 01:26

Journal Entry - Chronicles of Consequence

by Ellis Everett

Our expedition to the town of Esmeltaran unfolded with a series of ominous events, each more unsettling than the last. Following Gorom's lead, we sought out a peculiar shop rumored to possess the ability to resurrect the fallen. To our relief, Haldir was restored to us, his return a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.
However, our respite was short-lived, as the tranquility of the shop was shattered by the relentless assault of massive ice shards bombarding its roof. With a sense of urgency, we fled into the streets, navigating the chaos with the agility of seasoned adventurers.
Taking refuge in a vacant house, we watched in awe as the skies above unleashed torrents of acidic rain, a sinister omen of the calamity that loomed over the town. The eerie silence of the deserted streets only heightened our unease, a stark contrast to the bustling life that once thrived within these walls.
Seeking solace from the storm, we found sanctuary within the sturdy confines of the town hall, where we were met by the bewildered halfling mayor and his retinue. Their confusion mirrored our own, as they seemed unaware of the evacuation that had taken place mere hours before the elemental onslaught.
Yet, amidst the safety of the hall, we stumbled upon a chilling sight: Nekrom, a Cowled Wizard, lying motionless upon a bed, his features obscured by the shadows of his hood. Sensing an opportunity to confront the enigmatic figure, I acted swiftly, dispatching him with a decisive blow.
As Nekrom fell, a surge of necrotic energy pulsed through the room, a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked in the darkness. Crafting a tale to conceal the truth, I wove a web of deception to mask the grim reality of our encounter, though one among us saw through the facade, his gaze a silent accusation.
Gathering Nekrom's belongings, I steeled myself for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that his phylactery ensured his return. With a heavy heart, we resolved to confront the source of the storm, guided by a halfling who had appeared amidst the chaos.
Our journey led us to a worshipper of Savras, whose visions revealed the presence of Olhydra, the elemental titan whose malevolent influence cast a shadow over Lake Esmel. Yet, even as we sought answers, tragedy struck once more, as our halfling guide lay lifeless before us, his fate entwined with the dark forces that threatened to consume us all.
As we ventured deeper into the hidden passageway, the halfling guide we had been following suddenly vanished before our eyes. Undeterred, we pressed on, navigating the treacherous path strewn with obstacles and traps.
At the passage's end, we were met with a startling sight: the halfling and a ranger, their presence shrouded in mystery. Before we could inquire further, the ranger unleashed a volley of arrows, sending us into a frenzied battle. Yet, before we could apprehend them, the halfling invoked sorcerous magic, whisking them away in a blink of an eye.
In the chaos that followed, we found ourselves inexplicably transported to the elemental plane of water, our senses assaulted by the swirling currents and vast expanse of the aquatic realm. Desperate to find our way back, we stumbled upon a druid conducting a sinister ritual, her intentions veiled in darkness.
A fierce battle ensued, the air thick with the stench of magic and the sounds of clashing steel. Despite our attempts to spare her, Haldir's ruthless hand sealed her fate, leaving us to grapple with the consequences of his actions.
Examining the crystalline structure at the heart of the ritual, I uncovered a dire truth: its completion would unleash Olhydra, the elemental titan, upon the material plane, spelling doom for the Sword Coast and all who dwelled within it. Faced with an impossible choice, I made the decision to disrupt the ritual, knowing full well the consequences it would bring.
As the ritual unraveled, we found ourselves thrust back into the material plane, the lake of Esmelaran vanishing beneath our feet, replaced by a horde of monstrous creatures lurking in the depths. With no time to spare, we sought refuge within the safety of a nearby house, hoping to catch our breath amidst the chaos that surrounded us.
Yet, our respite was short-lived, as the sounds of approaching soldiers echoed through the streets, led by a cowled wizard whose intentions remained unknown. With swift action, we uncovered a hidden tunnel leading to safety, but not before setting a clever illusion to conceal our escape. The others ran farther down the tunnel as to escape or at the very least hide from our pursuers.
However, fate had other plans in store for me, as a cowled wizard's apprentice materialized before me, casting a paralyzing spell that left me helpless in their grasp. Transported to the heart of their ranks, I found myself at their mercy, my belongings confiscated and my fate sealed within the walls of Spellhold.
In a desperate bid for freedom, I unleashed a powerful fireball, engulfing myself and my captors in flames, a blaze of defiance against the forces that sought to imprison me.
With the blast I ended [REDACTED] guards lives. I regret needing to end so many lives but, if it was either that or being locked away in the torturous Spellhold...I would do it again without hesitation.
The aftermath of my harrowing ordeal in Esmeltaran unfolded with dizzying speed, leaving me reeling in its wake. As I fled through the labyrinthine streets, pursued by the vengeful cowled wizard and his minions, I unleashed another blaze of fire, a desperate bid for freedom that left chaos in its wake.
Yet, my flight was short-lived, halted by the iron grip of the captain of the guard, a foe I had bested moments before. As I struggled against his grasp, the cowled wizard's apprentice descended upon us, casting a shadow of doom over my already dire predicament.
With no other recourse, I unleashed yet another inferno, consuming my assailant in a blaze of fury. But even as I sought to evade my pursuers, fate intervened in the form of two imposing figures who materialized before me: Thaddeus Alibakkar, clad in armor, and Lysander Ophal, his fiery presence (and hair) casting a menacing aura.
In a swift and brutal confrontation, I was overpowered and rendered unconscious, waking in a darkened chamber, shackled and at their mercy. Before me stood Thaddeus, a grim figure of authority, and Lysander, his fiery gaze penetrating to the core of my being.
Under interrogation, I divulged what truths I could, though I held back crucial details that I dared not reveal. Yet, even as I faced their relentless scrutiny, a glimmer of hope emerged as they presented us with an unexpected offer: absolution in exchange for complicity.
Though my companions chose to accept their terms, I found myself unable to betray the innocents who had fallen victim to our actions. With a heavy heart, I resisted their offer, unable to reconcile the cost of our freedom with the lives we would condemn in return.
In a final act of mercy, they allowed us to depart, providing safe passage to our ship, now under their watchful eye. But even as we sailed away from the shores of Esmeltaran, the weight of our decisions hung heavy upon us, a burden that would not be easily shed.
Once aboard, I sought answers from my comrades, probing for any sign of treachery that may have gone unnoticed. In a twist of fate, our suspicions were confirmed as we uncovered a changeling among us, masquerading as one of our own.
Though the changeling met a swift end at the hands of my companions, the revelation of his deceit only served to deepen our unease. With tensions running high, I sought solace in the confines of my quarters, grappling with the consequences of our actions and the betrayal that had unfolded in our midst.
In a moment of desperation, I confronted Haldir, his actions cut deep to the core of our bond. Yet, even as I stood on the precipice of despair, I refused to succumb to hopelessness, determined to protect those I held dear at any cost.
With resolve in my heart, I set sail for home, leaving behind the tumultuous events that had unfolded in Esmeltaran, determined to safeguard my family from the storm that threatened to engulf us all.