New Ally (?) and Annoying Bandits: A Poem by Loraelsia | World Anvil

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2nd of Sydenstar, 185

New Ally (?) and Annoying Bandits: A Poem

by Loraelsia Mithrilspine

There once was a dwarf from HUPPERDOOK,
Who saved an ambassador on a fluke,
She travelled with strangers and faced many dangers,
Until this morning she had quite a spook,
The group met a strange drow named Gael
Whose name is too similar to Ael's
The drow had some pictures that caused quite a stir
Until Bandits attacked and spells sailed,
Ael melted a brain with her magic
An act that some would declare tragic,
She felt it was needed and soon they defeated
The bandits and took their crazy pipe and went on with their day, even though Ael is still trying to figure Gael out.
Look, I couldn't come up with a third rhyme. Poems are hard, and I'm in a strange mood. Not bad, just... strange.
Is it weird that I'm bothered that I wasn't bothered by killing that bandit?
Or... maybe it isn't that I'm bothered, it is that part of me feels I should be.

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  1. Session 1: What the F%@!?
    30th of Brussendar 185
  2. I Have No Ale, so I Must Rage
    1st of Sydenstar 185
  3. New Ally (?) and Annoying Bandits: A Poem
    2nd of Sydenstar, 185
  4. Virdan's Question
    2nd of Sydenstar, 185
  5. Ramblings of a Sober Dwarf
    5th of Sydenstar, 185
  6. Family Matters
    7 of Sydenstar