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Sun 18th Apr 2021 06:39

We survived !

by Armand Serrano

The fight was over. The last two Legion soldiers were being chased down the corridors by the Kobu. Mission accomplished. And maybe something extra apart from our bonus: our own thermonuclear mine! (This is easily worth 30000 Birr) After some investigating i figured on who to unlock the mine from the floor. The three of us tried to move the mine. But it would not budge an inch. When i ran the model of the mine with a similair item in my database this mine was unknown. Probably something custom made by The Legion like the Vulcan turret we acquired.
Since there was no immediate danger we set of back to Wahina. During the fight she had moved all her equipment from the service unit to the Medlab. She said that it was time to leave the station. But not by using a ship. Instead she would use the portal for the first time. Apparently a destroyer was on it's way and probably would destroy the entire station. We did not have much time. After saying our goodbye's i got a hug from Kordoban .Thanking me for all our help.
The three of us decided we would proceed on our quest and retreive the missing ship. This led us throught the rec room. Shamus had the good idea to search the dead soldier bodies for any weapons or supplies. We found Two Vulcan Carbines and a grenade. In the distance we could hear shouting and shooting. The soldiers were still alive. Quickly we followed the trail to the docking station. Suddenly a trail of blood appeared leading to the docking station. It stopped at the third dead soldier's body. A Kobu had killed him. So he did would have no use for his Vulcan Scorpion.
In the distance we could see the ship of Jihan ..... which suddenly started it's engines and flew off with our 10000 extra birr !
That was it. We walked all the way here without anything and with a destroyer incoming we made a quick dash back to Shamus' Ship. After entering the ship through the PORTABLE airlock i checked the engines and signaled Shamus that we could take off. Maybe there was a change to catch Jihan's ship but after a sensor sweep the ship was out of our reach. There was a thing coming in range: the Destroyer. We made a hastily retreat on the backside of the station. It was time to go back to Djachroum.
Fortunately the Destroyer was heading towards the station. We were undetected and were quickly moving away from the station .Then suddenly all sensors started bleeping. It was coming from the station. At first i thought it was a detonation. Looking out of the window at the station it suddenly started to transform. The Biodome was seperated from the station and a leaves started to create a sail. From the station pods were shooting off to a near asteroid cluster. Suddenly with a bright flash a portal appeared and the " SHIP of Wahina" went through.
Then silence. We were alone. After a long silence Khadyr suggested Shamus, Jihan and i would get some sleep. After four hours i relieved Khadyr on the bridge. Then i had to relieve myself. I was cold and i had stomach cramps. This happened a few times during our journey back. So it was no time for a quick drink. Water and crackers for me.
After a day and a half we arrived back in Djachroum. Here we said goodbye to Jihan. And after checking the news about Station 18 (no news) and receiving our reward it was time to get a drink.
Our first venture was completed. Now it was time to go for supplies and check if there were new jobs we could do.
P.S. Note to self: upgrade my database. In the new version PORTABLE items are mentioned !