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Sat 2nd Apr 2022 02:06

Unfortunate Events

by Armand Serrano

This was unexpected. Instead of waking up in a comfy bed it's the hard surface of metal room. The door was shut. So i pounded on the door. After a few times someone answered. I was a prisoner now of The Legion. After a few questions about my Xinghur heritage and what happened at the station i got no answers.
After some time the door opened and i had to step outside on our destination. Some cold and uncomfartable planet. Ideal for a prison. I myself and others were pushed to one of the buildings in the complex. Here we had to remove all our clothes and belongings. After the mandatory shower we had to put on an orange suit. And we received our prison number. Mine is: 9725.
When we arrived at the prison we met Warden Grice which we have to address with Sir. Tarkwal is the name of the moon were we arrived. Alle prisoners of The Consortium were brought here to work in the mines. We will receive 50 birr each week. With hard work and good behavior we could be released sooner. I still did not know why i was arrested. Probably it has something to do with the Station.
From now on i have to work in the mine until i get parole or my shipmates will get me. The complex is a small deteriorated complex. During our walk to the cell i could get a good idea of the layout: guardtower, warden's house, armory and some old ruins. It is being guarded by the Golot. Our cells are undergournd. My cell is in row three. The cell is very basic with a bed, toilet and wash table.
The next day i started working in the mines. It was an old mine with a lot of terminals who were out of order. There were two levels: the upper and a lower level. Which was nicknamed "The Danger Zone" where you had to work for bad behaviour. One this first day our group was sent to work in the upper level. Here i met inmate 7943. He told me the ore we were mining was Copper. He already been here for some time and told me more about the mines. There are four elevators where only two had access to the mine and one other was collapsed. There are opportunities to get a diffrent job such as mechanic. There were not that many personell in the mines. Everything was guarded guarded by Carl-1. The central computer of the facility. Carl is something of an anomaly in the prison. Probably the prison was something else before. The computer started singing to us and was very friendly. The inmates told me this started a month ago.
At the end of day we have to go through decontamination. Here i had trouble hiding the gem i found this morning. I have to get this outside to receive 4000 birr. In the mess hall we received the standard prison meal: tasteless and with unknown ingredients. Here i also met someone who was working in The Danger Zone. Prisoner 3305 (Billy Mushdi from Kua). He had to work there for trying to steal a hover car. He also got one year extra . When asking why he tried to steal a hover car. He told me about a settlement some 5-10 km from this facility: Circle City. Maybe this was my way out of here ?
When we had to get back to our cells we past the computer room where one of the guards, Paul Hindin, had trouble with Carl. The central computer was malfucntioning. On the advise of Fuller he rebooted the machine. The power supply went dead.....