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Tue 16th Feb 2021 08:25

The Meeting

by Armand Serrano

After another mission for Jarrod Khadyr and i finally arrived at Djachroum. We don't get payed enough for these kind of missions . I was not in a good mood an needed a drink. Which was made worse after meeting the harbour master. We had to pay 25 Birr each just for entering the spacestation. Above that Khadyr had taken her cat along. Which cost extra.
Finally we arrived at Yana's Blue Mirwan. A nice little cafe which was not expensive and has a good selection of drinks. When i was ordering our drinks a tourist entered the cafe. With his hands full of boxes and bags he came tumbling to the bar. Some wealthy tourist for sure by the looks of this coat.
I discussed our last mission with Khadyr and told her we don't get paid enough. If we want to get paid more we should find our own missions. Khadyr agreed and we discussed how we would check The Bulletin and be on the lookout for opportunities.
As fate would have it. This did not take to long. Word spread in the cafe about a ship in the docks which was fuming so heavily no ships could leave the station.
Apparently the ship was owned by the wealthy tourist in the cafe. He was approached by the head of the purple guard. They asked him to repair his ship. So an opportunity did arrive. As a skilled ship engineer i offered my services to Shamus Loaded. We went to the docks with members of the purple guard behind us carrying the boxes and bags of Shamus. When we arrived at the ship a large angry crowd was gathering at Shamus' ship. Large fumes was coming were coming out of the exhaust port.
After performing a scan on the engineering computer i found the issue. There was something stuck in the engine. With some borrowed tools from the dockmaster and the help of Khadyr i cleaned the engine. Apparently some dead animal was stuck in the engine.
With the crowd gone we talked to Shamus who told us his father bought him his ship and now he was travelling through the system. This was a change for me and Khadyr. To go on a mission on our own. After checking i found a report about a missing science vessel: " The Foundation" There is a 10000 reward for any information about the status of the ship and even more if we bring the ship back.
After we convinced Shamus we were on our way to the last known coordinates of the ship and the beginning of our new venture!