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Thu 3rd Mar 2022 06:06

Child Ash and Lore (3/2/22)

by Crescent Estelmer

Note to self: do not give Delphine (Archfey of the Leap Year *quivers in fear and admiration*) access to fire. Our sweet little flower child is actually quite the arsonist. Aside from almost dying at the hands of the Jabberwock, burning ten children alive, and barely avoiding an unpleasant encounter with Zargash, I'd say our time in Thither was just a walk in the park! HA, I make myself laugh.
As we flew away from Thither my thoughts drifted back to Lamorna and her small oasis. Will we ever experience peace like that again? What chance do we stand to reuniting her with her mate and securing the horn? I hope she stays safe while we delve in to the unknown once more.
Yon gave us quite the welcome as it attempted to rip us from the sky. Thank you, Yon. We are excited to be here as well. This place doesn't do well on first impressions with its grey, hard, rocky exterior. I will make it a point to accomplish our goals here as quickly as possible, not only because our mission to save the world is time sensitive, but also because I did not pack enough Vitamin D for such a gloomy place and if my seasonal depression starts to set in I am going to be one moody bitch.
As we touched ground and set to healing our wounds from the lightning and storm, we made for a sheltered alcove where we found what seemed to be a stone bench. The inscription on it read "insert here." I found it odd for such a phrase to be on a bench in the middle of a raging storm and tentatively placed my hand upon its surface. It felt like a million sensations at once: hard, smooth, sharp, soft, jagged, etc. I can't quite describe what followed, but the next moment the stone was gone and my mind felt infinitely sharper, but tinged with a sense of great loss and pain. I know that I've experienced this same feeling before when Fenris and I met the Crippled God, the King of Chains. The name inscribed on the stone must have been his real name. His deep name. What I will do with this information I have yet to decide. Knowing that the Queen of Chains is Tiamat, what is the relationship between those two? If the Crippled God knew that Tiamat was attempting to break her chains would he lend us his aide? It seems risky to seek a god's assistance, but we may be that desperate or close to it.
I am beginning to suspect the geas that Mansoon put on me is not a geas at all, but instead something Other. That something might have been summoned into my mind either metaphysically or physically. It's revolting to think about, but maybe the Crippled God would be able to assist. I still have hope that in reuniting Lamorna and her mate, they may be able to offer aide in ridding Delphine and I of our...ailments.