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Tue 20th Sep 2022 02:00

To My Dearest Friends, (The Real Version)

by Crescent Estelmer

Where do I even begin? For the past year I have managed to successfully infiltrate the highest ranks of Tiem's Chosen and have been tirelessly searching for a way to pass this information on to you all. It has proven more difficult than I ever imagined. In order to convince the Wyrm Speakers that I am indeed committed to their little devil's club, I had to allow the Blue Wyrm Speaker (our dearest Mansoon) to make a simulacrum of me. Therefore, please do not willingly trust me if you see me! It is not me! The main reason I have not been able to contact any of you is because Mansoon put this nasty geas on me which essentially tries to kill me if I communicate any information with you all that has not been approved by Mansoon or the other Wyrm Speakers. Hopefully this letter does not kill me, but the likeliness is high. Do not fear for me, I would do anything to give you all a fighting chance, just please listen closely to what I tell you next. There are two main components here that I am going to dive into: the Denarians and Tiamat's Chosen's whole fucking motive.
Let's start with the Denarians for context. The Denarians is a creature who was imprisoned a long time ago inside of 30 silver coins. They are similar to fallen angels and were the agents of Zariel, who is the archduke of Avernus and the Consort of Chains in the Pantheon. They try to be high up in the organizational structures and will put themselves in a position to be relied upon, but they are difficult to trust because their motivations are unknown. I was unable to discover their true motivations; therefore, I would not trust them.

Ralmevik once said to me that Sister Calm and Brother Diligence are Knights of the Coin. I believe this to be an order of Denarians. Sister Calm possesses the Denarius Saluriel and Brother Diligence possesses the Denarius Ursiel. Brother Diligence's Denarius allows him to know any lie spoken in his presence immediately. You must not trust the Arcane Brotherhood! I found proof of cooperative communications which have been happening between the Denarians and Tiem's Chosen long before the beginning of the war. Lord Red and Mansoon have been speaking directly with Sister Calm all this time.

Here comes the "why." Long ago, the Arcane Brotherhood figured out that the barrier between the material plane and other planes of existence has been naturally weakening over the last few hundreds of years. This information was given to Mansoon by Sister Calm. Tiem's Chosen decided to speed this process up instead of trying to slow it down. They figured out that they could speed up the weakening of the barrier through mass sacrifice, hence all the tiefling sacrifices that have been happening. Weakening this barrier means that they can ultimately free Tiamat from Hell so that she may come and rule the material plane before any other god is able to do so.

Mansoon has sent me on a mission to find an archfae named Zyblina, but we know her as Tasha, who possesses something of value to Tiem's Chosen. I am working to free her and return her to the Summer Court where she will hopefully be safe from this dragon-crazed cult. I am working to break my geas, but until then this may be the last time I speak with you all. Mouse told me about Juno and Fenris. My heart aches with you all. Juno was put to rest in the most beautiful forest I've ever seen. I hope Fenris is somewhere just as beautiful surrounded by stacks of gold as far as the eye can see.

You all are the best thing in my life and I desperately hope this information gives you the edge you need to turn the tide on this war. I'll contact you as soon as I'm able!

Sending all my love,