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Thu 28th Oct 2021 03:54

Spilling Massive Tea and Doing the Most

by Crescent Estelmer

It's been a while since I've been able to write. Someone is forever staring over my shoulder, watching my every move. But not now that my new companion and I have made it to this demi-plane, at long fucking last. Where do I even begin? So much has happened and while I applaud my advancement in my mission, I fear the consequences this may have for my friends. God I miss them. Let's recap.
In the vaguest of terms, I made it to Darkhold and successfully infiltrated the highest ranks of the enemy. I am a performative genius and have these idiots convinced that I'm actually on their side so I've become privy to some insane knowledge. In no particular order, let me spill some tea.
In order to convince the Wyrm Speakers that I am on their side, I allowed the Blue Wyrm Speaker (Mansoon) to make a simulacrum of me. I fear they are using Crescent 2.0 to terrorize my friends or gain and exploit their trust. I know how smart my friends are, I must tell myself that they will see through this. They have to. Mansoon has also put a geas on me which prevents me from communicating any information to my friends. I'm not sure exactly what happens if I attempt to, I believe that death is not out of the realm of possibilities. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. I would do anything to give Ander and Ralmevik a fighting chance.
In other news, Tiamat's Chosen and The Sword Coast have a common enemy. You betcha, The Panion Dominion. All I know about this enemy is that The Panion Dominion is six years old. They originated from the south and at some point the Panion Seer was summoned from another plane by someone on our plane. We do not know who this person is or what their motives are. Tiamat's Chosen has sent their newest whipping boy, aka me, to do a favor for Queen Mab who will in turn provide them with a weapon to take care of the Panion Seer.
My mind is still reeling from all the next knowledge I'm about to impart and I hope that in writing it down, I can actually better understand all these twisted lines. So bear with me. It's juicy. There are two main components here that I am going to dive into: the Denarians and Tiamat's Chosen's whole fucking motive.
Let's start with the Denarians. I got so lucky in a library in Darkhold and stumbled upon a book which I'm pretty sure I was never meant to see. In this book I learned Denari is an order of creatures imprisoned a long time ago inside of 30 silver coins. They are similar to fallen angels. They are the spies of Zariel who is the archduke of Ivernus. They are pretty high up in the organizational structure of the gods and will put themselves in a position to be relied upon, but they are difficult to trust because their motivations are unknown. Ralmevik once said to me that Sister Calm and Brother Diligence are Knights of the Coin. I believe this to be an order of Denarians and that membership of this group is voluntary. There might be a bargain, or it's possible the holder of the Denari slowly gives up free will. I'm not sure. One Denari is called Ursiel. When they use the power of the coin, they can embody the power of that coin and turn into a bear. It is assumed that the wielder of a coin can manifest the power of that coin and transform into some sort of being. Ursiel has the special power to know any lie spoken in their presence immediately. Possessing a Denari coin also stops people from aging. I am convinced that the bear that killed my mother was actually Ursiel. But who is Ursiel might you ask? Ursiel just happens to be the lovely Brother Diligence. We will see if one remains so diligent while I make him regret every breath he has taken since my mother took her last. I'm not much for revenge, but exceptions are made and mine will be sweeter than the nectar of the gods.
We always knew the Arcane Brotherhood was up to no good and god how I wished we would have followed our intuition. Cooperative communications have been happening between the Denarians and Tiem's Chosen since the beginning of the war. They have been speaking with Sister Calm, who is also the holder of the Denari Suriel. Long ago, the Arcane Brotherhood figured out that the barrier between the material plane and other planes of existence has been naturally weakening over the last few hundreds of years. This information was somehow given to Tiem's Chosen who figured out that they could speed up this process through mass sacrifice, hence all the tiefling sacrifices that have been happening. Weakening this barrier means that they can ultimately free Tiamat from Hell so that she may come and rule the material plane before any other god is able to do so.
I hate to think of the position we are in right now and hell it's been so long since I've spoken to anyone that I don't even know what position we are really in. I just can't help but feel that there were signs I missed. This is what I do. Gathering information, figuring out motives and important pieces, and I feel I've failed the people I love. I swear to whatever god, demon, or devil king that watches over me if the Arcane Brotherhood hurts my friends I will rain absolute hell fire upon their filthy organizations and anyone that associates with them. I would hate to be my own enemy.
I am currently deep in Fey Wild in a place called Prismir. I've been sent to search for an arch-fey named Zebilna. That is pretty all I know about my mission thus far. I'm not sure what Mab wants from her or if I should even carry through with this mission. Eliminating the Panion Seer would be great for the Sword Coast and The Panion Dominion is eating away at Tiem's Chosen's troops as well. But I know they are ravaging the land and to fail at this mission would give away my position. Am I ready for that?