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3rd of Banros

An Ancient Dwarven tomb

by Ænon Hadal

We have been underground for a while. When we first got down here, hunting spiders for the town above, I fell into a spider's den. not long after that, and the gang rescued me. after that, and we got some spider corpses to bring back to town. we found a safe space to rest, and took a tea that allowed us to see our ancestors. I met my father and grandmother, and learned that my family has been hunting the Deep One for many generations.
We started heading back to the surface and found an ancient Dwarf tunnel system. it seemed to be a tomb as well as a mining area. we tripped an alarm that was meant to keep intruders out, but no traps were tricked. when we got down to the lower levels of this tomb, we found a workshop, with Frelse like constructs and a temple to Gond. I left a small shell bracelet I made on Gond's alter.
In another room, we found a doorway dedicated to a grand advisor named Daerun.