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17th of Mvor

Helm's Temple and Davin's Port

by Ænon Hadal

We've been in Davin's Port for two days now, and we happened to hit the temple of help to introduce Yasha and get some rare mushrooms. we met up with Head of the temple, who is Yasha's best friend's dad. it turns out they aren't very close, judging by how often he ignores his daughter's letters. anyways, he took us up there, and Yasha hit a button that summoned a REALLY worked up angel. and we fought for a bit. and then an avatar of CYRIC???? masquerading as a child showed up and stabbed the Preist. and we revived him. and he got stabbed again. and we revived him. again. and he got stabbed. again. well, you see how its going. aaaanyways, I hit the avatar really hard REALLY fast. and he decided he was gonna go away. and we revived him again. and THIS time, he stayed alive. then we met up with the angel who decided to be human for a bit. we went drinking all together after, and met up with Ez's home friends. then we all decided to go skinny dipping in the ocean and that was a lot of fun. ice cold and refreshing!
Temple's Ancestor Basin:
A branch to the enclosed sea large strong, alive
second, reaches towards somewhere in Midcrest. Bright???
third branch, dim, enclosed sea
fourth branch, strong, tip of Northcrest; Fakoury: glows with a phantom light, kind of strange and ominous
branch in Southcrest, five trees, strong
I...Have...FAMILY??? ALIVE???? mom is still alive, so that's a relief.
According to The Priest of Helm, this temple is older than Davin's Port.
we saw a thief running from the chef's crypt with their fancy magic utensils. They said they would help restore magic to it, or someone they knew would. We followed to figure out whats going on. We met a tiefling woman who harvests mosses for paints

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