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22th of Hammer, 1512 DR

Soot's Journal: Honey for Bears

by Soot Isbjorn

22th of Hammer, 1512 DR
After a nice long hibernation, we decided to head out to Kelvin's Cairn at the request of Madu. As we were getting ready to depart, I made the suggestion that we stop by Good Mead for lunch, because I was starting to feel a bit of the tummy grumblies. Madu opposed, but I said everyone who is hungry and wants to go, raise your paw! In a four to one vote, we decided to go to meadery!
We mounted out axebeaks and made our way out of Dougan's Hole. On the way there, Electra and Luna rode up next to me and started to talk to me about dragons... They told me that the statue of a dragon that I gave to Electra was actually a blue dragon that got turned to stone! She then started to tell me about how there are way more dragon types than just white dragons, and most aren't actually evil! She even said there are red dragons that live in the mountains and breathe fire! That got me really excited, and I maybe even am interested in meeting one? I still think that white dragons are evil and scary though!
After some time, we eventually arrived at Good Mead and made our way to the Meadery. When we got outside, the sign mentioned that the sell honey mead. Luna called to me wide-eyed, and she said we could finally try the honey that our Uncle Pawson tried when he visited the Grizzled Ursans cousins down south! We rushed inside and saws bees flying everywhere! It was so crazy, I had never seen so many bees in my life! Well, I have never seen any bees before now... But! They were flying all around my head it was crazy. There was also some old guy at the back of the bar, but I paid him no mind.
So, Luna and I inspected the bees to see how they make honey, and I was convinced that we milked them like elk! But, as we finally caught one, the bartender came over and offered to actually sell us a pot of honey. But he wanted to charge me ten yellow shiny pieces!! Outrageous right? So, I convinced him to go down to eight... but then Electra showed up with her magical parchment of passing, and she convinced him that she was the "Bee Inspector".
After some arguing, we managed to get the honey for 7 yellow shiny pieces! I was so excited, I gave it a try and my eyes grew so wide, it was the most delicious thing I had ever eaten... I let Luna try some and she went ballistic! She attacked me and tried to take the honey, but after a lot of fighting Madu pulled her off of me and I managed to protect my honey.
After this, the old man in the back of the bar told us that he knew who we were. He said that we have become like folk heroes around the Ten Towns, and that people are really happy about all the work we have been doing! He then said that he knew about Sephek, and that he actually gave the letter to Speaker Masthieu to give to us! He then rewarded us 200 yellow shiny pieces for fighting Sephek!
After our encounter with the old man, the barkeeper came up and quickly just spat every single bit of gossip and rumor in all of Ten Towns at us!

  • There is a gnome in the Brynshander named Copper that knows about this old black haunted building

  • There is an abandoned wizard's tower somewhere out in the frozen wasters (Madu got upset when he heard about this one)

  • Angajuk's Bell in Old Anchorage, he is a whale with a boat on his back that can take you underwater to catch Knucklehead Trout in the Sea of Moving Ice

  • Pirate Ship frozen in the Bremmen no one knows where it came from, and it likely has a lot of gold and gems frozen in the ship.

  • The Maer Dualdun lake, a huge bear guy (probably an Ursan!) was floating on an ice block and trying to fish, when a knucklehead trout bit his finger off and then swam away (My papa's ring!)

After some time, we make our way towards Kelvin's Cairn, stopping briefly in Caer-Dineval to get supplies before heading back on the road again. When we arrived at the base of the mountian, we saw a strange mound of snow rising and falling as if it were breathing... Luna even tried to throw a magic stone at it! But luckily nothing happened and we managed to make our way back to the trail which leads up the mountian.
Who knows what awaits for us at the top this time...
~ Soot Isbjorn

Continue reading...

  1. Soot's Journal: New Beginnings
    17th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  2. Soot's Journal: Arrival at the Brynshander
    17th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  3. Soot's Journal: Yeti Hunters
    18th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  4. Soot's Journal: Bears and the Brynshander
    18th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  5. Soot's Journal: Journey to the Targos
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  6. Soot's Journal: Avalanche!
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  7. Soot's Journal: Yeti Food
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  8. Soot's Journal: The Boulder Man
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  9. Soot's Journal: Controlling My Anger
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  10. Soot's Journal: Mine, oh mine
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  11. Soot's Journal: Soot's Spidy Senses
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  12. Soot's Journal: Fake Kobolds, Real Ghosts
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  13. Soot's Journal: My Sister, Possessed
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  14. Soot's Journal: The Pranking Party
    21th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  15. Soot's Journal: Manic Mammoth!
    21th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  16. Soot's Journal: Kaltro Revealed!
    21th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  17. Soot's Journal: Honey for Bears
    22th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  18. Soot's Journal: The Frozen Pirate Ship
    25th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  19. Soot's Journal: Burning Troll Fur
    26th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  20. Soot's Journal: A Dragon and Cold Betrayal
    26th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  21. Soot's Journal: Trapping Knucklehead Trout
    28th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  22. Soot's Journal: Returning to the Dragon's Boat
    30th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  23. Soot's Journal: A Sad Midwinter's Night
    1st of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  24. Soot's Journal: The Missing Madu
    2nd of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  25. Soot's Journal: Petrified Stone
    2nd of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  26. Soot's Journal: Melting the Tunnel
    4th of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  27. Soot's Journal: The Snowy Owlbears
    6th of Alturiak, 1512 DR