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18th of Hammer, 1512 DR

Soot's Journal: Bears and the Brynshander

by Soot Isbjorn

18th of Hammer, 1512 DR
It has been quite the day! After a rage induced stupor, I finally am able to take the time to write a journal entry. A lot happened, so I have to run over some of the events quickly... After the events with Luna and the snowstorm, we found the body of the dead gnome. It was decapitated, their cart was destroyed, and all the ingots were gone. But, we did see some bear tracks which we chose to follow. After some time, we reached a caravan of goblins which stole the iron ignots from the gnomes, and we did a little sneaky attack to kill them all and get the ingots! They also had polar bears enslaved, which they were hurting. Seeing their suffering enraged me like never before, and I went off like a crazy person... Anywho! After the fight, we captured their super cool cart, and Luna spoke with the bears via magic! I was super jealous that I hadn't thought to prepare the animal speaking magic, so sad! But, thanks to her help, we made friends with the bears, Yura and Sakari, and they agreed to take us back to the Brynshander, and then we could evaluate their future friendship! I really really want to keep them so badly! I always get so attached to animals...
We continued on our journey back to the Brynshander, when Luna found an icy sign which she needed me to melt the ice from! I ran over quickly and created a large fire under the sign and melted down the ice, and we could see the text of the sign. The sign read "Termalaine", and pointed off to a small, less traveled path on the side of the road. Luna made a point to record this in her encyclopedia so that we would investigate at a later time.
After a quick trip stop at the sign, we continued along the road but soon after our wheel broke! Luckily we have my dear sister Luna, and she was able to fix it fast with her mending magic! She really is a boon to our group, and if not for our shared bloodline, I would gladly support her as chieftain.
Once we make it back to the Brynshander, the guards don't want to let our bears into the town! Outrageous! We try to talk with Dirk, but he really isn't happy about it. Electra flashes out this fancy scroll she calls "pedigree", but Dirk doesn't really understand why the piece of paper helps the situation. Honestly, I really don't know why that would help either.... But, Luna, using all her magic powers, casts the Charm Person on the Dirk, and he finally lets our bears into the room.
Once we manage to get in, Luna and Dyleth went into the inn to find the gnomes and let them know of our success, and Electra went to tell the Black Iron Blades about the ingots we have! I sit outside for a while, playing with the bears and waiting for my friends. It certainly takes them a while to talk to everyone. After some time, Electra returns, and the gnomes come out of the tavern with the rest of our friends. They thanks us for our troubles, and award us with a pouch of 4 bloodstones, worth 50gp each as payment for the ingots. They also give us a yeti-fur lined leather pouch containing 15 of the silvery shiny pieces as a thank you for burying their friend. Very generous indeed, or at least I think so!
On our way to the Black Iron Blades shop, one of the gnomes talks about white dragons, which was so silly I had thought.. until everyone confirmed they were real! I cannot believe this... who would ever think that a creature like a dragon could be real! I thought they were just old mama-bear tales to scare the little cubs. Honestly, I am quite scared to leave the town now... what if I get gobbled up!
After a little while, we arrive at the Black Iron Blades, where we met Garn the Hammer and Elza the Hammer. With the gnomes, we inform them of the arrival of the iron shipment. They become overjoyed and Garn offers us a permanent 10% discount at their store as payment for the shipment! With that in mind, and in light of the recent goblin crushing I had to do, I decided to request the warhammer I have been dreaming of for years. They agreed to make me a warhammer with my druidic focus nestled inside it, so that I could cast spells and hit things without having to have a free handle to hold my focus! They asked for 8gp + tip, so I give all of my shiny pieces to the blacksmiths in order to pay for it. I am extremely excited for my new weapon! It should be ready by tomorrow evening, so we need to stay in the Brynshander for another night. Dyleth also requested some daggers from them as well!
We then spend about an hour unloading the iron ingots from our cart, into the store, and while we are there I show off my fire powers to them in the form of a hammer hitting an anvil, and they offered me a job! I am truly honored, as it is the first job I have ever been given outside of lighting the fire for the stew and torches. I wonder if they will pay me shiny pieces if I help them for a few hours?
Around 10pm, a bright blue hazy light began to shine across the sky. It was like a shooting star, running from the top of Kelvin's Cairn. It was only there for about 30 seconds, and as the wind howled, the light exploded and covered the sky. Then, just as quickly as it arrived, it disappeared and the sky went back to normal.
As we finished the unloading, Luna spoke with the bears and they give her an amulet. It looked really pretty and honestly started to make me a bit jealous. The bears show me some love and then, to my dismay, they sadly began to leave... Apparently Sakari is next in line to be his clan's chieftain too. Understanding the struggle of leaving the things one loves for their duty, I gave them a ton of love, and some rations to east. Then, once they leave and I cried like a little cub; I have a soft spot for so little, except Luna and animals, it had been a long time since I had last cried like this.
After some moments out in the col, we go back into tavern, and began drinking and singing all night to raise our spirits. My friends clearly could tell I could use a couple Jaja Dingdongs! Dyleth was very kind and kept buying his drinks to share, and even taught me about the toasts. Luna, Dyleth, and I all got a bit tipsy, though Electra seemed to be doing okay. We had some fun conversation, and even learned from Mr. Sax that this "Termalaine" we found earlier was another of the Ten Towns! Gosh, how many of these towns could there be? As we are learning this though, Dyleth started talking about the fishy on the wall, and he almost let my secret slip to Luna! I got very nervous, as it was clear she heard and wanted to learn more. He tried to cover for me, but she knew something was up... She got up and in turned in early, but I don't really think she was tired. Dyleth told me I should be honest with her... maybe he is right.
Once Luna went to bed, we then overheard the two townsfolk Aidan and Liam talking about an icicle stabbing people in the heart, as well as something about the contest being rigged! So, after doing the eavesdropping for a bit, I loudly repeat some of the words they were saying to Dyleth until they came to talk with us. Aidan agreed to tell us the information after we claimed to have no idea what he was talking about regarding the dropping of eaves... He confirmed our suspicion that the lottery is rigged, and that some people don't get chosen, which makes others very angry. Apparently, there is someone who is so angry that they have been hunting those who have never been picked, and are being murdering them with icicles stabbed into the heart and the forehead! I convince him to also share the information that this is happening in numerous of the towns! The most recent murder was in the town of the Termalaine, so that gives us even more reasons to check it out. But apparently, according to Aidan, not all towns are have the lottery, some make animal sacrifices, while others turn off their fires at night time. I cannot even imagine how horrible a town without fire must be... I never want to go to that town.
Aidan left after a bit, and I decided to turn in and talk to Luna about the ring. I also tried to check the singing fishy for the ring, but Mr. Sax was not happy about it as my hands are too big to fit down the gullet. When I got back to the room, I found it empty, with no Luna in sight! I run around the tavern searching for Luna, and cannot find her anywhere. I started getting really nervous, as I had already lost her once today, and could not bear to do it again. However, eventually I found little Luna prints leading back to the room. Very relieved, I talk to her, and she tells me she was not felling well and just had to go make her insides her outsides. With many nerves, I decided to tell her the truth about the Knucklehead Trout, and she seemed hurt by the truth, telling me that clearly the ring was not meant for her to find since Papa did not trust her with the task... It was honestly heart breaking to hear that, but I was honest and did the right thing by my sister.
It is time for bed now, it has indeed been a very long day. Will write again soon, after a well deserved hibernation.
~ Soot Isbjorn

Continue reading...

  1. Soot's Journal: New Beginnings
    17th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  2. Soot's Journal: Arrival at the Brynshander
    17th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  3. Soot's Journal: Yeti Hunters
    18th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  4. Soot's Journal: Bears and the Brynshander
    18th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  5. Soot's Journal: Journey to the Targos
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  6. Soot's Journal: Avalanche!
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  7. Soot's Journal: Yeti Food
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  8. Soot's Journal: The Boulder Man
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  9. Soot's Journal: Controlling My Anger
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  10. Soot's Journal: Mine, oh mine
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  11. Soot's Journal: Soot's Spidy Senses
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  12. Soot's Journal: Fake Kobolds, Real Ghosts
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  13. Soot's Journal: My Sister, Possessed
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  14. Soot's Journal: The Pranking Party
    21th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  15. Soot's Journal: Manic Mammoth!
    21th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  16. Soot's Journal: Kaltro Revealed!
    21th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  17. Soot's Journal: Honey for Bears
    22th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  18. Soot's Journal: The Frozen Pirate Ship
    25th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  19. Soot's Journal: Burning Troll Fur
    26th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  20. Soot's Journal: A Dragon and Cold Betrayal
    26th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  21. Soot's Journal: Trapping Knucklehead Trout
    28th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  22. Soot's Journal: Returning to the Dragon's Boat
    30th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  23. Soot's Journal: A Sad Midwinter's Night
    1st of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  24. Soot's Journal: The Missing Madu
    2nd of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  25. Soot's Journal: Petrified Stone
    2nd of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  26. Soot's Journal: Melting the Tunnel
    4th of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  27. Soot's Journal: The Snowy Owlbears
    6th of Alturiak, 1512 DR