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17th of Hammer, 1512 DR

Soot's Journal: Arrival at the Brynshander

by Soot Isbjorn

17th of Hammer, 1512 DR
We've made it to Brynshander, hurray! After much travel we arrived at the massive gates of the town, it is quite the sight to behold. As I approached, the guards began to question us about what business we had in at the town, so obviously I told them about how we need to be heading to the Northlook Inn so we can get nice beds and sing Jaja Dingdong. They seemed confused that I was excited to be there, perhaps I did not communicate my intentions as I thought? I really need to learn how to better speak with the different peoples of the world...
Any who, they let us in the Brynshander, and my goodness it was massive! I had no clue they made communities so large! Luna was very shocked too, I could tell. She even started walking up to houses and peering inside to see what it was like to live in a town. Hopefully she got a lot of good material for her encyclopedia. But, I was more interested in this massive fire Bolt told me about, so I made a flame in my hand to light the road, and I chased after Dyleth to find the inn. Of course, I smiled and waved at everyone who passed by, as future chieftain, I have to make sure I am very friendly and bring honor to the tribe. Shortly after, we reached the town square and found a big billboard with locations written on it: to the north-east is the House of the Morning Lord, to the south is the Townhall, to the east is the Eastern Gate, and to the north is the Northern Gate and the Northlook Inn.
I was filled with such excitement when I saw that sign, and I immediately started rushing to the north. On the way there, we noticed a sign for "Black Iron Blades", and they said they have the cheapest prices in town! I wonder if I can find any sort of great-hammer there? I really want to learn to wield one, like the great ancestor warriors of our tribe. I knocked on the door, but a man called out and said they were closed until tomorrow. I guess I will be going back in the morning!
Eventually, we made it to the end of town and the Northlook Inn awaited us. I was shocked by how huge it was! I rushed into the building and was blown away by the nice wooden walls, and I immediately took a seat. It was then that Dyleth pointed out we were only in an "entry-room", and he led the way into a beautiful chamber! It was so warm, with people inside chatting, a roaring fire, and a loaded bar in the back. I ran inside and took a seat in front of the fire immediately, and it was then that I noticed a fish on the mantle, a Knucklehead Trout... the exact fish I have been looking for. Then, the fish lifted its head off the wall and began singing to me! It sang the following: "There's a place I like to go, farther up the rivers flow, where it is I do not know, must be under all that snow". Something tells me that this fish is the one which stole the signet ring from father, and I need to get to the bottom of it, but secretly, so as to not let Luna know.
As I stared at the fish, I noticed that Luna was speaking with the barkeeper. He said his name was Scram-sax, or Mr. Sax as Luna had been calling him. She asked him about the singing fish, and Mr. Sax said a druid named Maverick enchanted it and gave it to him about 15 years ago. That is a long time ago, and I wonder if this is indeed the same fish? I will need to speak with him about it later at an opportune time.
Luna then began to talk to him about renting rooms, and she called me over to help negotiate with Mr. Sax. After some time, we convinced him to let us have a room at 1gp per night, but we had to choose the room at random! A good enough deal I suppose, I don't really know how much rooms cost to be honest.
After discussing the rooms, Luna asked Mr. Sax about Jaja Dingdong, and though he didn't know, the bars patrons did! So, we broke out into song and it was such a fun time! It really felt like we were home for a couple of minutes. Dyleth also started warming up to me, he bought me a drink, and I cooked onions for him. I think we are starting to be good friends! My first elf-friend, so exciting.
Later on, when I was chatting with some townsfolk, I noticed a group of gnomes walk up and start talking to Luna! It was incredible, I had never seen them before. But, it turns out I over-estimated how large gnomes are, because these were actually dwarves! Gnomes must be really tiny it seems, like as small as the Isfugl perhaps? Any who, these dwarves where named Hruna, Korux, and Storn. They were apparently the only survivors of a group tasked to deliver iron ingots to Brynshander. They were attacked by a Yeti, and also succombed to frostbite! Their friend Oobuk was torn apart by the yeti, Hrun lost his right ear, Korux lost three fingers and a toe, and Storn has a terrible cold. They requested we retrieve their sled and supplies, and slay the yeti, in exchange for payment in the form of gems! Now, that is a payment that I can understand!
The dwarves told us that the Yeti is located somewhere in Kelvin's Cairn, a mountain to the north east which is normally visible during the day. If we follow the path out of the town, we will find a valley called Dwarven Valley, and the cart will be there. We plan to leave on this mission in the morning, and the dwarves will give us more information then. This is really exciting, it will Luna and I's first real adventure, and I am so eager to prove myself to my warrior ancestors!
Once the dwarves left, Mr. Sax told use about a "ceremony" which happens in the town square every night that would be occurring in the next few minutes. Luna led the group and rushed out of the tavern, so I took the opportunity to speak with Mr. Sax about the fish. However, he claimed there was nothing special about it and knew nothing about the ring. I believe him, but he also says he never reached down its gullet before... Perhaps I can sneak a peek down its throat later.
We headed outside and found that the ceremony was not happy or exciting. It turns out that every night, they sacrifice a town member to the goddess Auriel in hopes she brigs back the stars and lets the night come to a close. Tonight a man was chosen. The guards read a passage out and then the sacrifice began. The man stripped naked and began to walk out of the town, presumably to freeze to death in the cold. After the ceremony, an angry man started talking to Luna about how we did not treat the ceremony with respect, but the whole ordeal did not seem to be very respectful at all... He thinks they are doing a good thing for Auriel, and that they have been doing it for ten years. He also mentioned it is a lottery system, but they don't know who runs it. Apparently, there are some families who have never had to do a sacrifice. I think there could be a much better way for getting Auriel to remove the cold, perhaps giving her fire? There also seems to be some corruption in the town's leadership...
Our moods were certainty diminished after the ceremony, so we returned back the tavern to head to bed for the night. I am very much looking forward to picking a room and sleeping in a bed! This is enough writing for today, I'm sure I will have plenty to add tomorrow!
~ Soot Isbjorn

Continue reading...

  1. Soot's Journal: New Beginnings
    17th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  2. Soot's Journal: Arrival at the Brynshander
    17th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  3. Soot's Journal: Yeti Hunters
    18th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  4. Soot's Journal: Bears and the Brynshander
    18th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  5. Soot's Journal: Journey to the Targos
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  6. Soot's Journal: Avalanche!
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  7. Soot's Journal: Yeti Food
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  8. Soot's Journal: The Boulder Man
    19th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  9. Soot's Journal: Controlling My Anger
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  10. Soot's Journal: Mine, oh mine
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  11. Soot's Journal: Soot's Spidy Senses
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  12. Soot's Journal: Fake Kobolds, Real Ghosts
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  13. Soot's Journal: My Sister, Possessed
    20th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  14. Soot's Journal: The Pranking Party
    21th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  15. Soot's Journal: Manic Mammoth!
    21th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  16. Soot's Journal: Kaltro Revealed!
    21th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  17. Soot's Journal: Honey for Bears
    22th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  18. Soot's Journal: The Frozen Pirate Ship
    25th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  19. Soot's Journal: Burning Troll Fur
    26th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  20. Soot's Journal: A Dragon and Cold Betrayal
    26th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  21. Soot's Journal: Trapping Knucklehead Trout
    28th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  22. Soot's Journal: Returning to the Dragon's Boat
    30th of Hammer, 1512 DR
  23. Soot's Journal: A Sad Midwinter's Night
    1st of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  24. Soot's Journal: The Missing Madu
    2nd of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  25. Soot's Journal: Petrified Stone
    2nd of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  26. Soot's Journal: Melting the Tunnel
    4th of Alturiak, 1512 DR
  27. Soot's Journal: The Snowy Owlbears
    6th of Alturiak, 1512 DR