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January 2010


by Tabitha Curtis Sable Shadow

I peer into the next backyard and can dimly see tress to the west, east, and a younger tree further north. The darkness surrounding me is actually impairing my ability to see to the edges of my area of control. Normally I can see easily, but now it feels as though I am in a fog - a dry fog that limits my ability to see. AHA! Now I know how people probably feel when I use my power. No wonder that car couldn't react in time.
ANYWAY, I crouch quietly on the top of the wall and peer intently towards the direction I assume danger will come from. I see shapes that are vaguely humanoid in shape. There are five of them. Two are almost identical in form and are wearing combat boots. One actually wears high heels - in January! The last of the five to come over the wall almost seems fragile. That one is much shorter and is being taken care of to a certain degree. As the shapes come over the wall, they also seem to be handing food platters or something similar in shape over the wall. One large platter and three smaller ones. They walk across the yard and almost directly towards me. I decide to disperse my ability and then move very slowly back to allow them to move unimpeded.
They get to the wall I am standing on and it is higher than they are by enough to really want a ladder. They all look at each other and some type of silent communication and then the two that are similar in shape bend over to provide a lift to a third member. That is when I notice the green glowing eyes. They are the only two with the eyes and I immediately start thinking about androids and cyclons and other impossibilities. They carefully pick up the fragile one and put her down then then hand over the platters which she - assumption, but I feel safe thinking that - carefully places on the ground. Then the last guy takes a running jump to grab hands and move over the wall.
They move to the door and say something about bringing food to meet the neighbors. They then go inside the room we were in and come out very disappointed about what they found. The fragile one says they can go back home as failures or look for - us? After they look around for a while and determine that the pile of debris in the backyard is actually from the transmission room. They are not sure how the material was removed from the room, but they are as sure that asking for assistance from management will be a bad idea.
One of the team suggest that they go and check the other emitters. Before they leave they decide to leave a note. While they are writing it and continuing to look for clues as to where we have gone, there is a discussion about dropping the darkness. At that point, I have to decide if I am going to pull my darkness back around me or drop over the wall into the backyard next to the one where they are. The fragile one - obviously the leader - asks for suggestions as to where to leave the note with the final decision being to leave it within the pile of debris.
They are about to leave and as the darkness drops the laugher of the Shadow fills the area. A conversation ensues and it is obvious that while the Shadow knows - they do not know the Shadow.

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  1. Sparkles
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  8. McSushi
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