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Sat 17th Aug 2024 01:10


by Tabitha Curtis Sable Shadow

Several of the team follow the strangers into the building. I chose at this time to not contaminate my aura with the hideousness that is the decor for this building that is claiming to be an eatery. There is a table outside close to a window so I can keep an eye on almost everyone inside as well as watching for danger from outside. Makeshift disappears to the rooftop to check for danger. I watch for danger and also keep an eye on the discussion inside which seems to be fairly intense. Then the group breaks up and the strangers leave splitting into two groups. I decide to hang back a bit and verify that no one else is following them and then follow them myself to see where they go.
They end up back at the original shed that Makeshift and I teleported inside and found the thrones. This would be how they are crossing dimensions. I don't get too close as I don't want to be noticed, but I am close enough to hear them unlock and then relock the door. Well, that is unfortunate. Then I remember that there are the other two who should be coming back soonish. I look around and then decide that my best option would be to climb the huge tree in the yard to keep a lookout. They enter the sculpture garden more quickly than I anticipated. They go over to the shed and the guy starts to knock. Eventually they are let in and I let myself out of the tree.
I get down from the tree and walk to the door. I assume that other members of the team also followed them so I quietly call out to Makeshift - and he pops in!! Not funny. We discuss about whether to enter and he pulls up his video footage and we see them enter the throne room empty handed and I hypothosize that there is a room off the hallway that is either hidden or we just haven't found yet where they left the platters of food. We see them enter the throne room and decide to head that way - just in time to see the final glow as they teleport.

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