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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

O Canada!

by Tabitha Curtis Sable Shadow

We enter the room and it is very loud. Now that we have had time to look around more I am noticing that there is a lot of things missing: no storage places, no cleaning equipment, no bathrooms. No where are the platters that carried the food. The only one that ate the food was the ninja and he appears to be fine, though he claimed the food was only so-so and claims he is a better chef. I kinda give them a brief synopsis of our past experiences in this room, but they all stare at me like I am crazy - including Makeshift!! I huff and stand back to let them do what they want to do - though I do warn the Shadow again about the floor disappearing.
I watch the guys wander around and the Shadow pull out a gun and threaten one of the crystals. I get bored and go sit in one of the chairs. The ninja walks over and accuses me of being under mind control and pulls out a knife. I offer to get up, but before I can do that the gold sparkles start swirling around the four of us and an apparently empty spot in the room. Chef gets called over to the Shadow to see if that will change the way the sparkles interact with us. It does not. I then stand up to see if that will stop the sparkles. it does not. Shadow asks Psypher to put away his knife to see if that will stop the sparkles. It does not and then we are assaulted as the room starts to turn on. The sparkles give up on us and join in the dance of energy as the floor disappears and the sphere rises.
The thrones look like they might be sinking into the floor and it is now so loud that we cannot hear each other - even standing side-by-side. Then suddenly the room darkens, the sphere drops and locks into place, the floor reappears, and you can hear a pin drop. The ream react differently and then the Shadow pulls the crystal that he had played with earlier. We decide that we should take the crystal back to our stash where we have been keeping all of the clues. We all - except Kitsune - head out. We all stealthily walk out of the chamber and head up. We quietly unlatch the door and feel a brisk breeze and look out on Canada. The southern shore of the St. Laurence river and we can see the four thrones ahead with four people dressed in Roman armor. The flag has a maple leaf, but not the design we are used to. They have not noticed us yet and instead seem to be focused on the road leading to not Montreal. Shadow walks out and heads to the road.
He is 'caught' and the soldiers convince him to go see the Praetor. Psypher also goes out to the soldiers and talks to them. He also follows Shadow to the north. Makeshift and I sneak behind the others and follow them to a building that is a weird mixture of steam power and futuristic repulser lift technology. There is a lot of art around and Makeshift sneaks a peak in a window and then we teleport into the warmth. Then after we watch the other two being escorted further into the building, we begin to sneak around to look for different hiding places. The doors are noisy, and the exit is limited to the one entrance so Makeshift's x-ray vision and we find a nice little hideaway behind the kitchen so we can get something to eat while waiting for events.
While Makeshift is busy watching for danger, I take the opportunity to see what I can observe about the culture from this room. I can tell that they value clean lines and smooth edges. This culture is not about a conglomeration of individuals, but a seamless whole. They have a lot of nylon, extruded plastics, items that are both sturdy and light weight which made it easier to be shipped from overseas that doesn't show wear-n-tear. Not all of the items have been shipped because there is a significant amount of local items that are easily identifiable and the local influencing can be seen. For example, the blanket on the bed is deer skin with beaded work and would not have been cheap. It probably costs more than the rest of the items in this room put together - or it would be in our world. Looking through her closet I see that while there is no uniform, the clothing choices are still uniform in appearance. What I find surprising is that there is no English gallic influences visible, but Mediterranean is obvious. Now I really want to go shopping to see what I can discover about this culture because you can learn so much from what is available. One thing that is clear about this culture is that it values everyone to have one rock steady trait which might vary between individuals, but does not allow for perceived weakness from anyone.

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