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Wed 2nd Sep 2020 05:54

Asher's Journal: Chapter 1

by Lord Asher de Rochefort

The last I'd heard of Gerard, he'd signed up with a mercenary company in Brionne who call themselves the Black Tower. I suspect he's the only one who can help me. During the journey, I was set upon three desperate farmers armed with weapons. Rondal, Amal, Selise. I managed to talk them down, and learned that their village, Herberg, has been raided by orcs, along with another village called Lensy. Their village is located south of Brionne. Selise noted something that made me think she might be capable. Rondal mentioned he'd fought in the levies. They noted that Lord Bernard de Hartcourt, Ruler of the Barony Drakenfeld, had hired mercenaries to deal with the orcs, yet they've only really protected the town itself.
Further down the road, I came upon the ruins of Lensy. Upon investigation, I found a pile of burnt corpses and ruined buildings, clearly the work of the orcs. Upon reaching Brionne, I was set upon by yet more beggars, this time armed with only their grabby mits. A teenager and most likely his brother nab a few coins, I run them down but they eventually slip through my grasp. I continued on to the Red Candle Inn. I enjoyed some good pub food, and listened intently, hoping to hear something about the Black Tower. I happened to overhear two Brionne guards mention that the baron had done something to the orcs, and that it's quite the tightly-kept secret. Hammond, the barkeep, told me the orcs were known as the Red Sun orc tribe, and that the Black Tower have a camp set up south-east of town, near Torstein's Crag. "Take the road south out of town and head south east at the great oak tree. The black Tower have set up camp at Torstein's Crag, a rock formation a half-day's walk from the foothills of the Southern Horns."
I follow the path heading towards the crag. Heading through a small village, a met with an older woman. She told me the story behind the orc attacks. The baron gave the Red Sun orc tribe some land, in exchange for land. The baron agreed, only to turn on the orcs a month later, most likely out of greed. Now the tribe has retaliated. As I close in on the encampment, I notice a band of orcs heading north towards Brionne. Arriving, I'm greeted by a pair of Black Tower soldiers. Upon mention of my name, as well as Gerard's, they allow me entry and escort me inside. I'm taken to meet with the commander, Vincent.
Gerard and I reunited and spoke. He told me of the conflict between his company and the Red Suns, including his bleak outlook on the resolution, should the baron refuse to lend aid. I told him of my situation, and he informed me that the sigil my mother had drawn was demonic, but not much more. He recommended that I travel to the Archives of Saint Godfried in Belstone to speak with the priests there, or to Saint Willem's university in Arlais, the capital of the duchy of Arlen. I spoke with Commander Vincent, convinced to allow me to join the company, without telling Gerard. He told me to speak with Lindise, his quartermaster. She outfitted me with the uniform and told me to report to Captain Beckhart. After turning in for the night, I was awoken to the sounds of battle. The Red Suns had overrun the camp and were slaughtering the mercenaries. My vision was blurred through the adrenaline, and I attempted to escape with Gerard. Through the back, I was slain with an orcish sword. Through the darkness, I awoke once again, only this time not as myself. Gerard had bestowed upon me his lycanthropic curse, transforming me into a lycan. We decided to head for Belston, in search of help and information.

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