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Wed 2nd Sep 2020 06:08

Asher's Journal: Chapter 2

by Lord Asher de Rochefort

Gerard and I stopped in at Rochefort, where he told me that he would be leaving Reinhalde soon, and so I asked him to show the common folk some defensive tactics during his time in town. When I went to see Willhelm, he mentioned that few travelers have come from Grafenbruck. Nieli told me that her mother had passed. Apparently, elves can choose to simply cease living. Later that night, I informed the staff of what I'd seen, and my plans to move against Lord Bernard and the orcs. The same night, I left Rochefort and made my way towards Belston, stopping in at Grafenbruck.
Having reached Grafenbruck, I made my way to the Lord's Rest, and met with a few colorful individuals. One of them, a woman named Unai, spoke of a Crystalline Dragon, who was apparently her lord or deity who had sent her to find me. The other two, Azrael and Tor, seemed to be friendly with her, having sort of connection to her story. I decided to speak with them privately, during which time Tor shared a story with us, as repayment to Unai for paying for our rooms. Unai spoke of her past, and growing up in Belston. She claimed that her lord sought to help me reclaim my honour, in exchange they expect me to help them spread their religion. Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of her or her dragon god just yet. As for the others, Azrael mentioned someone at the nearby church may be able to help with my investigation.
The next morning, I slipped out and grabbed some meals for the week, it's dawned on me that my transition has shifted my preferences when it comes to food. It wasn't long before two of my new companions came to find me. According to them, our group had been asked to help a priest from the Church of Angeline. Before meeting with this priest, I went looking for a canvas book, which led me to Avery the book binder. Tor bought me the book I was seeking, I guess I now owe him a favor. We returned to the inn and met with Brother Tobius, the priest seeking our help. He asked us to protect him whilst he attempts to free the soul of Night Master Horus from the tomb beneath the church. Even now I'm unsure of this plan. In any case, after our meeting the party headed into town and awaited nightfall. Tor told stories to the locals whilst Unai supported such with her magic. Azrael and myself kept to the background, as I took the opportunity to fill in the first page of my new book. Abigail, a young enchanter of some kind, approached Tor and Unai, and questioned them about their spellcasting. She told them that she was from Elwick, and that she's a wizard, or at least training to be one. That night, we met with Tobius at the church and delved into the tomb. His presence quickly angered the spirits, which caused my suspicions of him to bubble over.
Canvas Book (New Painting)
1. Tor telling his stories to the people of Grafenbruck, in front of the largest tree in the market square. Unai is casting thaumaturgy from the background to create effects for the stories.

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