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Tue 29th Sep 2020 02:19

Asher's Journal: Chapter 3

by Lord Asher de Rochefort

The Tomb of Saint Angeline
After defeating the spirits, we demanded that Tobius remain in the room and wait for us to clear out any dangers, he was hesitant but accepted after some pressuring.
Deeper into we found a connecting room with multiple doors, and a bowl near the center, into which Azrael and Tor placed a torch to illuminate the chamber.
Investigating one of the rooms, Unai and I found an embalming chamber. We looked around, eventually encountering a feminine spirit resembling the corpse that laid on the table before us. She demanded that Unai complete the burial ceremony for her.
Tor, upon investigating a discoloured wall, disappered suddenly, only to reappear from the entrance chamber moments later. He seemed unfazed, so I though nothing of it at the time.
Tobius disobeyed our order and came to the chamber, where he behan praying near to the flaming bowl. Through his prayers, the largest door opened, leading further into the tomb.
As I had one last look around, I heard rumbling noises coming from the opposite direction, but we decided to press on.
Descending a siralling staircase, we came across two groups of spectres in battle, half of them blue with white eyes, the others black with red eyes. As we passed by them, they did not take notice of us.
We found some kind of altar, surrounded by a rainbow of torches; red, green, blue, and yellow. Azrael took a symbol of Saint Angeline, and each of us took a different coloured torch.
Passing through some catacombs, we encountered a handful of ghouls, whom we dispatched without much trouble. When we checked out some of the sarcophigi, it appeared as though these creatures had broken free of their chains.
Continuing on, we found a brazier, which we lit with the green torch, the flame of which was absorbed into the brazier completely.
After struggling with some sturdy doors, we were set upon by an ankheg, which grabbed Tor and attempted to flee. We battled the beast through the walls that surrounded the burial places of a few knight-watchers. After defeating the creature, we ascended the hole it had burrowed to the upper level to find that Tor had vanished once again and Tobius was left in his place.
Prayers in the Dark
Following the banging sounds of Tor's booming blade, we came into a chamber, in which there was a cloaked figure chanting something in a language we didn't understand.
A door that Tor turned out to be trapped behind bore the symbo thatl I had been investigating the past few weeks, the one relating to descenders. In my sudden rage and confusion, I shifted to my wolf-like form willingly for the first time and struck out against the stranger. Through my bloodlust however, I also struck Azrael. Two dark spectres appeared on either side of the crazed priest and defended him, but we were able to defeat them.
The hooded man turned out to be a pries of the church, though his actions strongly indicated that he'd become possessd or simply gone mad. Searching him we found little of any use.
Investigating the room Tor had been trapped in, I felt an overwhelming sense of dread. The walls, floor, and cieling were all coated with strange symbols glowing faintly red.
We rested some before returning to the ghostly maiden, at which point we found that Tobius had gone missing. Ignoring that, we hoisted her body down to the catacombs, where we found an empty sarcophagus to bury her body.
Having decided that finding the priest should be our perogative, we searched nearby, whilst also looking for more braziers along the way.
Over the next hour or so, we explored much of the tomb, including the caves that led to a well of water. I found two sets of humanoid tracks which led to the water, and only one that led away, and so I decided to see for myself, finding nothing of interest beneath the surface.
Eventually only room remained unseen, behind a large iron door adjacent to the warring spectres. Whilst Unai and I guarded this door, Azrael and Tor went to speak with Father Baldrin, the head of the church.
I spoke with Unai as they were gone, and explained to her my reasons for investigating the descender symbol.
When the others returned, we lit the remaining torches and the door opened. Beyond the door, a puzzle of portals awaited, during which we were forced to face off against corrupted spirits.
Once we'd broken through the puzzle, we descended a staircase to the third level, where we encountered Tobius praying at an altar surrounded by protective sigils.
Entering into the room, the entire space went dark. There was a small explosion as the sarcophagus within burst open as a large demonic figure named X'rnoth stepped out, greataxe in hand.
Though forced into an intense fight, which may have been my toughest since the Red Suns, each of us defied death and managed to bring down the monster.

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