Sun 12th Mar 2023 07:47

A Guardian Freed

by Ailmar

Kaldmont 18 990AC (Cont)
After collecting ourselves after this latest battle Dram checked the door from the room I had poisoned the air in. There was nothing coming from the other side of the door anymore. We decided to leave it and head down the hall to the intersection. Not much here. The sleeping area for the bugbears we fought, a latrine and another door. Behind this door was what seemed to be possibly a hill giant? Durbin actually had a conversation with it and shared his beer. The creature was greedy though and wanted all of it and Durbin was not having that so it escalated to fighting. I told Dram that Durbin needed his help and I watched our back while they took care of the creature. It did say that it was guarding a door or a prize it had been given. Something along those lines but I am still a bit tired from the last fight.
They quickly slew the beast and Durbin found a hidden door (well not really that hidden) leading to another hall. The next room might well make this whole thing even more worth it, I mean aside from saving the people of the Rift! Inside were boxes of wine, kegs of alcohol, beautiful paintings, beautiful rugs, a gorgeous cabinet and other items. The torches on the wall were magical as was another item. A beautiful coffin that was chained and locked. I advised that we should just leave it alone and the others agreed. After the past two battles everyone needed a rest so we stayed in here for a bit before moving on. I didn’t need too much rest so I spent some time checking out the items in here. While the wine was crying out for me I was very interested in this cabinet. I checked it over for any traps or mechanisms but it was simply a very nice cabinet. Opening a few of the drawers it became apparent that this was a cabinet for storing cutlery. VERY nice cutlery. I repacked everything up hoping again we would get the chance to come back here.
I have been looking for a way to assist the others when my power is low and I suddenly remembered a scroll I had picked up while home. I pulled out the scroll and quickly reviewed it. It all snapped into place quite easily! A way to nearly instantly transform mana into energy flowing down my staff into whatever was hit by it. Even with expending no effort it was still a painful jolt. I would need to test this in my next fight as just hitting with my staff was nigh useless against these armored foes. I am quite excited about finding this stock of wine. Hopefully we will be able to get this out or come back for it.
When we were ready to move out Dram said there was noise behind the next door, pots and pans clinking. We opened the door to find another hallway with multiple doors. Opening the door it was another latrine and this one was very disgusting. I purified the air around me as it was just terrible. Then a head peaked out and yelped and tucked back into a door down the hall. I don’t feel particularly good about what happened next and the Princess would not approve but it needed to be done. This was where the women and children were. Once they were in danger the warriors attempted to scramble to their rescue but it was pretty much a slaughter. I let Durbin and Dram do the dirty work and I really didn’t care for it. I suppose I would do it if necessary but I kept look out. Once that was complete we took another brief rest before continuing on to the next hall. I did test my new combat magic and it worked out very well
These were stairs leading down to a landing before turning on itself to another hall and door. There was a very large enchanted mirror on the wall at the landing but it was not obvious what it did. Dram suggested we cover it up which was probably a good idea. We went back to the storage area and grabbed one of the large rugs to put over it, again this was a very large mirror. Once covered there was a door at the end of the hall. Opening the door there was a makeshift barricade and what appeared to be the bug bear leader and some of his underlings. I saw immediately this would be an issue for Durbin so I quickly gave him the ability to step on air so he could get up high enough to fight.
This battle was over fairly quickly but it was a bit frightful. Dram had multiple injuries fairly quickly. Luckily for us the barricade they erected impeded them and helped us. With Dram having to fall back had they pressed I would have been in trouble. As it was they tried to focus on Durbin allowing me to smack them with my staff lightning. After the battle I distributed the last of our healing vials. Durbin found two metal vials on the leader. I opened them and smelled the contents which smelled like cinnamon. I immediately plugged them and put them away.
We took a brief rest and I checked the room. More of the same. All the beauty that used to be here had been destroyed by these creatures. There was a large dresser which I examined and found a trap! It was not for opening the drawers but if you moved the dresser. I thought that was odd. I checked the drawers but there was nothing but garbage. We were getting ready to leave and I told the other about the trap and why would it be trapped to move and not on the drawers? They were curious too so we moved the dresser and let the trap harmlessly trigger. Behind the dresser was an obvious stone that could be moved and a large sack of coins tucked in! There was another item as well. Another large mirror like the other one except this one reflected nothing and was just black. Dram ran up to the other mirror and shone a stone in and we could see the light. Very interesting! Another item to gather if we are able to come back.
That seemed to be it for this area aside from the first door I had poisoned the air behind. We gathered up what we could carry and made our way back to the initial intersection. Behind the door were dead bug bears and more fine furniture that had been destroyed. There was one item that was in good shape and it was a tiled and painted tabletop which was a map of what Barrik called “the known world”. Another item if we could come back and gather. That seemed to be the end of these bugbear quarters so we headed out back to the cavern to investigate more.
Durbin wanted to check on his trap at the hut so we did that first but there was no sign of any movement. We had two choices at this point. A very nice doorway or another one that seemed to have been modified by the current inhabitants. We decided to check the latter first. The door opened and there were two bugbears standing guard inside which we quickly dispatched. This area was actually quite tall and large. Another set of iron bound double doors that we opened leading to a large but short hall ending in another set of modified double doors. Durbin was going to step in but I tapped him on the shoulder and suggested waiting. This area seemed like an obvious trap but we couldn’t find anything.
We went up to the next set of double doors and there was a barred window added to one but it was up very high, both Dram and I would need to stand on our toes to look in. Dram peaked in and saw a large two headed giant inside. The two of them came up with a plan to have Durbin attempt to shoot it in the eye and wound it and get it to come out. I gave Durbin the ability to step on air again and he took his shot but ended up missing. The creature thought it was someone[thing] teasing him. It got up, picked up the bar from the door and told them to enter. We did not do so and the thing got angry, threw the bar back on and went back to take a nap as it said it was sleepy.
In the meantime we debated the best way to fight this thing. I didn’t know and rely on Durbin and Dram as that is their area of expertise. We came up with a plan for luring the beast out and hopefully surprising it. I gave Durbin back the ability to step on air, put down a layer of ice in the hall. Durbin stayed hidden in the corner while Dram stayed in sight at the first set of double doors trying to get it to charge. I created a small ice sphere and threw it at the door. The creature woke up angry. It came to the door and threw the bar off and opened the door. It thought we were quite comical I guess and went to go and pick up its maces. Yes, plural it had two large ones. It came out and skittered a bit on the ice but didn’t fall. It did immediately drop a mace which it was not happy about. The two heads had separate thoughts and seemed to argue with each other. I threw a few lightning bolts at it and between Dram and Durbin it seemed a bit confused on what to do. At this point I didn't know what to do. I wasn’t sure more lightning would help. Another idea I had thought of using before and this may be the right time. Shape the stone above and simply cancel the spell allowing it to fall. I did so not using my staff for easier mana manipulation. I pulled all my energy reserves for this almost, it was all or nothing at this point. As I was getting it ready it slipped and fell which was perfect. I ensured it was ready and cast another lighting and held it up yelling at the beast to watch me. It did so and I canceled the spell and the large chunk of ceiling crashed down and smashed the thing killing one head. It was enraged and came after me but Dram stood fast in defense. After two swings the thing simply fell to the ground. I slumped in the corner, my eyelids drooping down as I was exhausted.
I had almost dozed off when Durbin came and got me saying I needed to come and see this immediately. I used my staff to push myself up and walked slowly over. In a small cell was Splinterleaf nailed to the corner and floor with large spikes but still alive. What an atrocity! He had been captured by Knockwart who had called him for consul but then tricked him and he had been here since. He said we must defeat Knockwart and as soon as Dram and Durbin got the spikes pulled loose he got up and started marching out. I cried for him to wait and that we needed to rest. Dram seemed to think we just needed to do this. I explained he didn’t understand. This was a Forest Guardian. It was no mere tree to be cut down and milled. This was a Guardian. It was folly we would need my full clan and even then… Knockwart explained Melinir was in danger. If we didn’t stop him everyone could die. He also explained that Knockwart was infected and had a purple crystal embedded in him. The frustration boiled over at that point and I threw my staff. I am ashamed of that but this was impossible! Now Rhiannon and the others were all at risk. How were we supposed to succeed in this? Then Dram brought up Zanzier Tem and Splinterleaf thought for a bit. Then he spoke the name backwards and explained he was the first person into the valley and a very powerful mage. This was very disturbing. Who exactly was Geoffrey? Who was this “Mad Mage”? Who was the young version that melted? This was getting to be too much. I would have to mention this to Rhiannon. I don’t expect her to break her oath but she should know something about what is going on. Assuming we made it out of here. Durbin pulled out his trinket from the Mad Mage and it pointed back to the main area. Great. All I can do now is rest and prepare for the next battle.