Sun 9th Apr 2023 11:45

Home is Where the Heart Is

by Ailmar

Kaldmont 18-20 990AC (Cont)
After some contemplation I’m not sure what came over me earlier. Perhaps being around humans a lot their emotionality has bled into my personality. I will need to control that better but at the same time be able to show emotion? It is an interesting quandary but one for another day to think about. For now it was time to concentrate on the task at hand. We were the ones here that needed to deal with it and retreating was not an option. Killing Knockmort was not an option either as he was a forest guardian. I suppose he could die but we needed to save him as you can just grow another Guardian. So our only real option was to destroy the stone that had corrupted him and hope that he could be restored.
While I was meditating the others checked out the other cells and found a curious prisoner. A Hin named Hollyhock who is very jovial. She was traveling alone and came across the Bugbears while they were out. She offered them dinner and I’m surprised they didn’t just eat her assuming she meant offering herself as dinner. She was very well hidden and I guess even Durbin barely saw her. We gave her some food and water and she was very happy to be out of the cage. Apparently she had spoken to Splinterleaf as they seemed to know each other somewhat. We went through introductions and explained the situation to her and she seemed very insistent on helping.
We had some discussion on how to defeat Knockmort. I looked through the scrolls we had collected and one allowed the casting of strong silk like a spider web. I thought perhaps we could use that to entangle it but I wasn’t sure of the strength and we didn’t even know where he was anyways. A sphere of earth to be hurled like my ice sphere which, in retrospect, might have been better at cracking the gem then my ice sphere but no dwelling on the past. I thought of using shape earth or making the earth disappear but these treants are too large and I don’t have enough strength for creatures that large. It looked like it was going to boil down to me being able to hurl ice at it and crack the gem. Holly suggested she could climb the tree and try and help crack the gem. The Hin are supposed to be stealthy (well really not noticed by larger folk much) and hearty so I had no issue. Dram did though of course but she had suggested it, it was her choice if she wanted to try! It was hard to come up with a plan since we didn’t even know where it was so we decided to do some more investigating.
We made our way over to the last doors that we could see. Holly said she heard so distant growling and such from dogs inside somewhere so we prepared for anything on the other side of the door. After opening it there was a square room with another set of doors. Inside this room was a large mural that had been altered to look like another set of pictures depicting a story. In the series of pictures it starts with a large purple meteor crashing to earth and creating a crater. It then shows some Hin (Durbin pointed this out) finding it and then worshiping it. An army of monsters show up and wipe out the Hin and drain their blood onto the stone, it grows in size and the monsters start worshiping it. Then an army of humans, elves and others show up and wipe out the monsters and bury the stone. Then a large tree finds a piece of the stone and the final image is the tree holding it standing on top of the world. Interesting history. Dram mentioned something we had found purple stones in all Hin ruins which I can’t say for sure is true. Some of those ruins were Gnomish and/or dwarven.
Holly heard the same sounds at the next door so we proceeded with caution. Another hallway and another door of course. This was the final door. Behind it were two nearly starved direwolves who immediately attacked but were taken care of quickly by Durbin and Dram. In this room though there was a kind of statue of the last image from the first room. A globe with a large tree standing on top of it. Here also was another purple stone. Durbin was having none of that and rushed up and destroyed it which unleashed a torrent of energy mostly absorbed by my robes thankfully. We heard a loud and angry roar with the destruction of that. Was it that easy? Had it taken the gem out for some reason? Durbin found a “secret” door in which he said there was a “rock drake(s)” inside. Of course Dram wanted to take care of it immediately but we needed to focus on Knockmort. This room was odd as a guardian couldn’t even fit in here so why was this stone here? We left and went back out to meet Silverleaf as he was waiting back in the main chamber.
We left this area as there wasn’t really much there anymore and made it back to the main chamber. Silverleaf wanted some water but creating it did take some energy. It was easier to just purify existing water so we went over the fountain and that’s what I did. Holly thought it was amazing I could do such things. I suppose to someone not being around magic it would be. Just like Dram thought I could do anything but my magic is still somewhat limited. At this point we weren’t sure where to go next. Someone suggested we speak to Sullen and see if she knows where Knockmort is which was a good idea so we headed to the center of the main area. She was there and made her dislike of Knockmort known. She also wanted her tree moved out of the cave so her and it could be back in the sunlight and asked me to promise to come back and make sure it was done. Of course I would do that! During this Durbin made his way around and had called us over to see something bad. During this time Sullen took a liking to Dram but Dram was being somewhat rude to her. Later he told me that Silverleaf said there was something wrong with her and he was afraid to give her his name or promise anything. Well that was actually probably not the worst decision he’s made.
Once we got around to the other side I was horrified. When Silverleaf came up he was far worse than I. I wasn’t sure he would move again for a while! Four dead guardians each with a small purple stone in them. This was a sad day for the Rift. Durbin passed me his seeing stone and told me to look at a rock out cropping. I looked through the stone at it and there was a pair of eyes watching us. First things first Durbin used his crossbow to destroy the stones in the guardians. That was easy enough. I reached into my pack and pulled out the wand of dispel magic. I wrapped my feet in mana and walked up above the mulch bed to try and dispel whatever this was. I didn’t need to though as it turned out to be a stone golem. As I got closer it pulled itself out of the dirt. I retreated and it went back down. Well that’s a problem for another time I suppose.
I asked Sullen again where Knockmort was and she concentrated for a few seconds and then pointed in a direction and said his “heart of hearts was that way”. I thanked her and we went over to the cave wall where she pointed but I couldn’t see any passage or opening. It took Durbin a bit of time but he did eventually find it and a huge entry opened, big enough for a guardian easily. This had to be where he was hiding so we stepped in. Immediately some giant bats swooped down and attacked us. Thankfully I had been practicing with my staff so I was able to deflect its attacks while pushing lightning through my staff to wound it. Before I could finish it though, Dram came in and did it for me. Our victory was short lived as Knockmort came out from another tunnel and greeted us. Silverleaf rushed in and they started fighting. Knockmort was larger and stronger plus Silverleaf was already wounded from his captivity.
I started casting my sphere while Durbin and Holly rushed in to do their part. Dram stayed by me to help in case Knockmort or anything else here decided I was a prime target. I charged it, aimed until I had the best possible shot and hit! I could see the cracks in the gem and Knockmort screamed in pain and anger. I saw Holly was not making good progress so I stepped forward a few steps, reached out my staff and wrapped her feet in mana as well and said “just walk”. Hopefully she understood. Silverleaf was not faring well. Guardians did not really fight so Knockmort had another advantage in that he actually had a weapon. I charged another sphere and aimed while they battled. I saw Holly make it to the gem but we all realized that she just wasn’t strong enough to do anything so she came back down. I let loose with my second sphere and another hit! The stone looked almost shattered, we had to be close! In my haste while charging my last sphere I ended the spell abruptly and, while it wasn’t likely big enough to defeat the gems toughness, the mana flowed with ease and I could feel Ilsundal’s touch as if he was giving me a bit of help. At this time Silverleaf collapsed and Knockmort set his sights on us. Dram told me to run but I told him I couldn’t, I knew this last one would do the trick. I aimed as long as I dare and loosed as he stood back up from picking up his scythe. While I didn’t hit the gem I hit next to it and knocked Knockmort down! With that Dram and Durbin both rushed and swung at the gem, smashing it and unleashing a torrent of energy. While my robes absorbed most of it they were both badly injured but we did it. Knockmort was down!
Dram had to lay down but would survive. Durbin wasn’t well off either. I checked the scrolls again and, just like before, there was only one major healing. I asked who would like to accompany me to the mouth of the cave so I could send a message. Dram said to just heal Durbin so I did so. I wrote out a quick message to Prince Elladin saying to send rangers and the tree keepers here as soon as possible. Also send word to Melinir and please stop and let Rhiannon know I was fine and would be back soon. With that we sent Melwin out to fly to Silvercrest which she was more than happy to be out of the cave! I should note that it was early morning at this point. Now that word was going out we went back into the cave to where the guardians battled to check out the other two rooms. On the way back in we released the prisoners that were in the tool shed. I noticed they all had iron ring tattoos and pointed this out to Durbin. I didn’t think they would be going anywhere so we let them be there with some water and food. We could take them back to Valum for final judgment.
One was a storage room for guardian sized tools. Some of the fruit that was growing outside was packed up here but oddly. For example apples were packed separately, like a single apple wrapped up and put in a crate with other single wrapped apples. Obviously the fruit was odd enough but this packing system made it seem like they were perhaps to be used for something other than eating. The other room seemed to be a guardian sized alchemy lab where Knockmort was experimenting and making the powder. He had a large satchel full of the stuff which is what he must have thrown in Garlands Rest. There was also a bookshelf with guardian sized books and normal sized books. The larger books were bark on the outside and leather (human skin?) on the inside. Later Dram would joke that it was the opposite of a normal book being leather bound wood (paper) on the inside. He thought it was hilarious but I did not find it amusing. While in this room we heard a laugh that sounded just like the Mad Mage. Durbin pulled out the charm and it did not strongly point in a direction but it did and then it just fell limp. I’m guessing this means we ended the threat for now?
The eerie laughter also made me realize we shouldn’t have left the slavers turned slaves turned rescued slavers alone. I told Durbin we needed to check on them and we rushed out of the cave through the large secret door back to the cottage and exit. As we ran out towards the cottage Dram was out there giving them more food and water and looked good as new! I called over to him that we needed to speak to him urgently. He finished up and I explained they all had the iron ring tattoo. I suggested we trick them back into the cottage by telling them there were more bugbears and they should hide there. I couldn’t do it. I know I would give it away and Dram wouldn’t do it. Durbin had no issue but he didn’t bother too much with the ruse and as soon as they were in he nailed the door shut. They cried out that we tricked them and other foul curses. I feel somewhat bad as I wonder if they could ever change their ways but Valum seemed to care not for that and they were humans so it was their jurisdiction.
Now that everything was under control we put all the valuables we found back in the room with all the paintings, wine and such. I then sealed off both halls with stone. We were not losing out on all these items, especially all the alcohol! I did grab a few bottles. One to celebrate with and another for Rhiannon to try when we got back to Melinir. With that I went out to the fountain and used my shape and purify cantrip and then froze a rod of water. I then went back to the cottage area to wait for my kin to show up. I poured some wine, added some ice and let myself relax for a time. Dram didn’t want any wine saying he was on watch. After a bit Holly excitedly came out with a batch of books. She said she was studying alchemy and these books were helpful. Holly did want some wine and some ice to go in it as well.
Somehow we got on the topic of Rhiannon being my fiancé and Holly was very excited for that. She loved music and Rhiannon's music and started breaking down some of her songs. She indeed seemed to be a fan and had some appreciation for the musical arts. She asked if she could meet her and I told her that shouldn’t be an issue, I’m sure she would love to meet her. I even told her I’m sure she could come to the wedding if she liked which she was ecstatic about. Dram talked up my abilities as well so I played part of my Dwarven tale from the whispering mines. It was nice to play again, I haven’t done much of anything since we left to strike at the goblins. Speaking of weddings I should make sure that Adrianna will be there. I don’t know if Dram would ask her but maybe we could just make sure they’re both there.
After some time my kin showed up and we hurriedly showed them where Silverleaf and Knockmort were so the Treekeepers could get to work. I quickly explained what had happened on the way. Hopefully they could both be saved. We showed them Sullen and her tree and the rock golem. The Princess was actually able to actually calm down the rock golem. I explained the prisoners in the cottage to Elladin. He had the same concern I did about handing them over to Valum but they’re humans and it’s their law so not much we can do about it. I suggested we head back to Melinir but of course Dram wanted to look into every other little item in the cave and tunnels. As if just hadn’t saved everyone in the Rift! I told him you could but you would have to do so without me for the time being. He relented and after speaking to Elladin the elves would be here for a while mending the guardians. We told them we would take out leave to Melinir and update Valum.
We packed up what we had and made the cold trek back. When we exited the cave it was noon the next day from when Melwin went out. It took us until just after dark to get back to Melinir with short winter days. As the others hurriedly made their way towards the Quadrial base I started to slowly fall behind and was about to break towards the Sarcastic Goat when Holly turned around and saw me. I put my fingers to my lips, turned and made my way there. I pulled out the bottle of wine before entering and opened the door. Rhiannon was sitting near the door working on a song perhaps? All my weariness seemed to disappear. I had been cold and wet but I now felt warm and invigorated. I came up to the table and told her I was sorry I didn’t want to embrace but I’m not in the best of shape but I do have this wonderful bottle of wine. She didn’t care and jumped up to embrace me anyways. She told me to sit and look at this song she was working on and went to get some food. It was good to be back!